News about Blumenhofer Acoustics

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We made some serious fotoshooting of our loudspeakers... but a primadonna pretended the center of the objective...

Event at the AZ footbalstadium in Alkmaar 2011

I’ll not write too much, I only forward you the words of Marco De Wilde, our distributor for the Netherlands.

First of all, the show. We were asked (on a very short notice) to help out the manufacturer of Kanzy for this show with the best loudspeakers and source that we could think of, well, you know what we used.

A quick explanation about the set-up:
Kanzy Kaam-1000 integrated amp (€59.800,=),
Loit Passeri cd-player (€25.000,=),
Heavens Gate cabling (€12.500,=).
• Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 1

All together very expensive, but also very, very good! Mostly heard commentary: Absolute best sound of the show! And this while others used much more expensive setup!

This show was organized by one of the leading dealers in the Netherlands (called
Studio Alkmaar) and took place on the 19th and 20th of February at the AZ footbalstadium in Alkmaar. As I already mentioned, 9 out of 10 visitors told us we had the absolute best sound of the show, in the next copy of Music and Emotion magazine we will get the official Award for this!


Stockholm Highend 2011

After a short cooperation ValLjuD used the Genuin FS 3 to present his system at the Stockholm High End

The chain VälLjuD played on was composed by:
Oracle Audio mk VI Turntable
• Oracle SME reference tonearm
• Kondo IO-M pickup
• Kondo KSL-SFz step-up transformer
• Kondo KSL-M7/Phono
Kondo Ongaku
• Kondo KSL-SPz speaker cable
• Kondo KSL-LP interconnect cables
• Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 3

A lot of people were in the room and sat there for a long time listening to the system, more than one noted how enjoyable and engaging the system played.


Exotic Audio is our new distributor for Denmark and Norway

Exotic Audio took over the distribution for Denmark and Norway.

Exotic Audio

Exotic Audio Aps.
Strandboulevarden 27
DK - 2100 København Ø
Tlf.:    +45 25 62 54 40

Review of the big Fun 17 on Fedeltà del Suono 182

Excellent report about the Fun 17 on Fedeltà del Suono N°182 in Italy. There it seems that the journalist for the first time after a long time enjoyed listening music instead of a system.... and we got the Tech Award!


Here you can download the article in Italian.


Listening the Genuin FS 1 on Suono 449 in Italy

Suono’s journalist visited Sandrino’s place and there they have been listening our Genuin FS 1.
On Suono 449, page 38 you can read their impression. We were astonished!!
Here you can download the table of contents. And here You can read the article


Gran Galà dell'alta Fedeltà - Padova 2011

Even this year it came to us. More a surprise than planned played our Fun 17 in Padova at the Gran Galà dell’alta Fedeltà. Organized by Giulio Cesare Ricci ( becomes the Gran Gala a permanent place in the Italian cultural live.

The Fun 17 has been presented by Da Pieve HiFi and Arem HiFi of the Homevision group. The presentation met the taste of the public and the response have been positive.


Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2011

Norddeutsche HiFi Tage - 5.-6. Februar 2011 - Holyday Inn Hamburg

We participate to the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage in Hamburg and they have been the most relaxing days in the last months. After 2 days of Music we still did not have enough of it :-)
The chain playing was composed by:
- Einstein CD Player - The Source
- Einstein Power Amplifier - The Absolute Tune
- Blumenhofer Acoustics - Fun 17
- Einstein Cables
- Rack Andrea&Volker special construction for the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage

Here to the official web pages.

We received some days ago a mail from one of the visitors of the exposition, I translate it here below... I do not need to say more, this is the biggest satisfaction for me.

Dear ladies and gentlemen,
With biggest surprise and genuine astonishment among the present people, I truly enjoyed your presentation with my brother in law on saturday evening! In our ramble trough the corridors he suddenly said “there plays a live band!” (no joke) and disappeared in direction of Blumenhofer/Einstein... that was the hammer!
Tree times we came back to the room because it made Fun to enjoy each kind of music that way.

Randolph Xxxxxx


VälLjuD is our new distributor for Sweden and Finland

Surprisingly fast and productive started our cooperation with VälLjuD, our new Distributor for Blumenhofer Acoustics in Sweden and Finland.


Välljud AB
Box 5097
20071 Malmö
Tel +46 (0)734 228 118

New binding posts

We are not used to change the specification or the components of our products if we are not forced to do it. In this case we had to: a shortage of binding posts that put us in difficulty. After purchasing each single binding post from all european distributors, partially on our specification, one specialized company made us these binding posts in the picture.

Our new bullets match acoustically the quality of what we used before. Furthermore they have some little advantages: Ralph Werner of mentioned the fact that our bullets are mounted to near to each-other making the use of spades quite complicated. Although we suggest the use of the banana plugs, this problem is now solved. The material? Where it matters: gold plated copper.


Biodiversità in Verona 2010

We met in Verona our good friends of MastersounD and Esperienze Audio to listen to the Piano of the Puiu twins. It was a nice event, a wonderful Venue and the piano touched our soul.


Opening of Club Ideal in Augsburg - 2010

Sometimes there are some special projects that we like. This was one of those. The owner of the Club Ideal in Augsburg in the Gögginger Str. 22 loves music and wanted a high end Night Club. It has not been difficult for Andreas and Ramona to persuade us to this project. It was worth it! Really! This is not a new product we will put on the market, but no Night Club can deliver a better sound. There, at the Club Ideal you can enjoy the Blumenhofer-Philosophy on your skin. Have Fun!!


Review of the Genuin FS 3 is now on


The review of the Genuin FS 3 written by Ralph Werner of, is now available in English here. Here you can download the short version of the article in English.

Review of the Genuin FS 3 on


Ralph Werner of had for some time the Genuin FS 3 at home. Here you can read his mind on German. Here you can download the short version of the article in German.

PICK-UP HI-FI & CINE ESTUDIO is our new Distributor for Spain

The last news of November is PICK-UP HI-FI & CINE ESTUDIO the new Distributor for Blumenhofer Acoustics in Spain. We look forward to a positive cooperation. You can reach PICK-UP HI-FI & CINE ESTUDIO at this e-mail:


Avda. Reyes Católicos, 38
11130 Chiclana (Cádiz) Spain
Tlf:  + 34 956 531 834
Tlf2: + 34 956 538 146