News about Blumenhofer Acoustics
Genuin FS 2 MK 2 has been tested by the HiFi Club in Korea
15 July 2022, 17:30 Korea, Review, Review Genuin FS 2Tempesta 20 on The
21 January 2022, 22:30 Review, Review Tempesta 20, Tempesta 20Fairaudio Highlight for the Gran Gioia 2x10"
7 June 2020, 11:10 Award, Gran Gioia 2x10, Press, Review, Review Gran Gioia
Genuin FS 1 MK 3 report on HiFi Stars
5 June 2020, 14:40 Genuin FS 1, Press, Review, Review Genuin FS 1Not jet officially on the market, not jet present in our web pages and already an enthusiastic report for the Genuin FS 1 MK 3 on the HiFi Stars. Thanks Alex Aschenbrunner for Your appreciation.
Here You can read the test in German
Gran Gioia 2x10" at Fairaudio
16 April 2020, 12:29 Press, Review, Review Gran GioiaThe Gran Gioia 2x10" in a wonderful Indian Apple veneer reached to be tested. And look, there in the back, there is a Genuin FS 1 MK 2 (Olive Veneer) as reference loudspeaker!!
We are looking forward for the review.
Genuin FS 1 MK 3 at HiFi Stars
8 April 2020, 12:09 Genuin FS 1, Press, Review, Review Genuin FS 1
After long waiting Alex Aschenbrunner from received a Genuin FS 1 MK 3 for testing. It is the first time this loudspeaker goes out. It is one of the first delivered.
The Armin on HiFi Stars 45
6 December 2019, 12:30 Armin, Review, Review ArminOn the HiFi Stars 45, our Armin Box has been prised as one of the best value for money loudspeaker. Here You can read the complete review in German. This loudspeaker is only available on the German market.
Penwerk's Review
16 April 2019, 07:23 Press, Review, Tempesta 20Mr. Arno Verhoeven, of the online magazine published a review of the 4 Seasons of Vivaldi. The listening sessions have been made on a Tempesta 20.
Here You can read the impressions of Arno in Dutch
It is always nice to hear that people are trusting Blumenhofer for such kind of sensible tasks.
Thank You Arno.
Summary about Blumenhofer on
23 November 2018, 11:03 France, Press, released a review of our loudspeakers.
The article in French is a good description of our philosophy and way of thinking.
You can read it here on the pages of the French e-zine.
Review of the Genuin FS 2 on HiFi Stars
3 March 2017, 11:20 Genuin FS 2, Germany, Press, Review, Review Genuin FS 2Alexander Aschenbrunner from HiFi Stars spent some times with our Genuin FS 2 and had the chance to enjoy a lot of music. Apparently he will not give the loudspeaker back.
If You are curious about his report, You can read it at page 62-65 on the 34 issue of the magazine or here the pdf of the article in German and here in English
Review of the Tempesta 17 on
24 December 2016, 11:33 Norway, Press, Review, Review Tempesta 17It was a nice Christmas gift. published on their 8/2016 issue a review of our Tempesta 17. Your can read it in Norwegian at page 46 - 48. The only thing the reviewer did not like was the veneer: he would have preferred something more exotic. The Tempesta 17 earned 5 Stars out of 5!!
Here You can read it online
Review of the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 on AUDIO TEST
5 May 2016, 15:25 Genuin FS 3, Review, Review Genuin FS 3On the AUDIO TEST magazine number 04-2016 on page 78 and following You can find a review of our Genuin FS 3 MK 2 written by Mr. Jörg Schumacher. Our loudspeaker earned a Reference Mention. Reading the article arises the impression that the journalist had really fun with our Genuin.
Here You can buy the paper and here the e-paper magazine online
Review of the Tempesta 17 on AV Guide in German
1 February 2016, 06:19 Press, Review, Review Tempesta 17, Switzerland, Tempesta 17
Mr. Daniel Schmid from writes a very positive report about our Tempesta 17. It has been tested in a set with the Hegel 160 and the reporter was widely convinced about the delivered quality.
Here You can read it in German
These are some highlights from the text, in German:
- Die Tempesta 17 schaffte es mühelos die atmosphärische Dichte des Stampen in Stockholm ausdrucksstark zu reproduzieren
- die Wiedergabe hat Charakter und lädt richtig zum Musikhören ein
- Besonders überzeugend dann wieder die sehr akkurate räumlich Abbildung, welche sofern auf der Aufnahmen vorhanden einen herrlichen dreidimensionalen Klangraum erzeugt
- Die präzise und authentische Klangentfaltung bürgt für geschmackvollen und sehr kultivierten Musikgenuss mit hohem Spassfaktor
Firmenportrait on HiFi Stars 29
30 November 2015, 14:12 Company Report, Germany, Press, Review
On the 29th issue of the HiFi-Stars Magazine in Germany there is a Company profile (in German).
Between page 62 and 67, You can read what Mr. Alexander Aschenbrunner tells about our company.