Novità su Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Starting today You can find Blumenhofer even on here
...more and more all the picture content of the company will be available there.


Van den Hul issued a superb CD: Great Recordings of the 50's. Mastered on Blumenhofer

Fritz de With of STS-Digital found a tape with old recordings. Van den Hul asked him to make a CD out of it. The processing of the tapes to the master CD has been performed on Blumenhofer Genuin FS 1 and Genuin FS 3 speakers. Here You can purchase it online directly by STS-Digital.

This CD delivers the transformation of the soft melodies of the 50's in unsurpassed quality. Directly from the original tape adapted to exploit in the modern mediums the complete gamma of sounds and inspiration of the original artists.
...from the times, when the recordings had no editing but direct cut, cleaned and rounded up. Music reborn, the great recordings of the 50's.


Dynamic Experience Vol. 1 CD: reworked with Blumenhofer

The second release of the Dynamic Experience CD of STS-Digital has been rechecked with Blumenhofer Acoustics. Here You can purchase it online directly by STS-Digital.

I have just spent some hours listening twice or trice this cd. I must tell You: it delivers what it promises. Yello, Stevie Ray Vaughan and others. Percussions, guitar and voices. Listen for it and it will not go out of Your head: You will leave Your chair with a light sensation of music carrying You around: an experience in pure dynamic.


Participation to the art exposition at the Gaswerk in Augsburg 2011

Sometimes friends ask us to support Art exhibitions and this time has been one of those.
Music joined sculpture, paintings and integrated itself in the Gaswerk in Augsburg, an monument to industry and industrialization, how production can become art itself.


Taipei Hi Fi Show 2011

We had the chance to participate to the Taipei HiFi Show. For that occasion we used our Genuin FS 2, with a LOIT Passeri CD Player.
Several people told us, our has been the best sound of the Show


Listening session and Visit at STS-Digital

What a music, what a sound, what a perfect reproduction...
...I have spent some really beautiful and enjoyable hours at the remastering studios of STS-Digital in Amersfoort in the Netherlands.

The system was composed by the top of the Marantz SACD and Power Amplifier production connected with the top of the van den Hul and Siltech cables. Of course the speakers were ours, the Genuin FS 1.

Some days after Fritz sent me an e-mail, here I quote one of the sentences, I must admitt this filled me with joy:
It is difficult to describe my feeling of pure emotion. When I listen to your exceptional audio product, there is only one thing that came up; this is the genuin thing.

Fritz gave me a short lesson on some interesting points concerning music and audio editing, wow, now I can understand something more about music and the way it can be enhanced to give more emotions and feeling.


Review of the Genuin FS 5 on Macrewind 279

The review of the Genuin FS 5 written by Frank Borowski of on in German is available here for download

Gran Galà dell'Alta Fedeltà - Firenze 2011


Munich High End 2011


We all know that the Munich High End is the most important european HiFi exposition. We have been present in area A03-B04. A show without playing music but lot of time to talk with lot of people. At the show we presented: - the complete cabling by Cammino HP and his Power Harmonizer - the complete line of Grandinote Power Amplifiers - the Loit Passeri CD Player - our nearly complete product range including the new introduced products. The Wiki was only present as development prototype


As usual, during the evenings, after show, we continued our show with special guests in Walkertshofen. Instead of going to dinner somewhere we spent time listening for music in our company.
I can tell you. They have been long days, but really fruitful.

The system was composed by:
- Loit Passeri CD Player
- Dr. Feickert Analogue Turntable
- Grandinote Celio Pre Phono
- Grandinote Domino and Demone Power amplifiers
- Blumenhofer Acoustics Gran Gioia Loudspeakers
- Cammino HP Power Harmonizer and cabling

You can read about our participation to the event and the evenings on: - Fairaudio - 6moons - Holger Barske’s Blog - - Euphonia ....and many more, that I’d like to add, if I’d have their web page

We introduce the Wiki

Our Wiki has a short name but is big. And sounds.
We do not dare to say “all you ever wanted to know about music” because we are still wondering if we have a chance to go beyond the frontiers of possible.

For the first time a compression driver with a 75 mm Beryllium membrane and a field coil magnet with more than 2,5 Tesla: the most powerful available magnet with the biggest Beryllium membrane. The Beryllium membrane and the compression Chamber for the driver come from us. The rest from Wolf von Langa and his Kilimanjaro driver series
For the bass a 38 cm woofer with field coil magnet as well. Entirely made by Wolf von Langa whithin his Kilimanjaro series.

That’s the technic behind.

In front there is music... what a fantastic reproduction... or was it real?


We introduce the Gran Gioia

The Gran Gioia in our opinion the greatest expression in a traditional 2-Way front loaded horn speaker. ‘Gran Gioia’ means ‘great Joy’ in Italian, and I can assure you that this fits. Come and listen.
The Gran Gioia is available in 2 versions, the first one with standard magnets and the other with field coil magnet of the Kilimanjaro series. To know a little bit more about field coil loudspeakers, visit the site of Wolf von Langa and his great vintage loudspeakers web page.


We introduce the Genuin FS 5

Genuin FS 5, the first bookshelf in the Genuin serie, horn for the mid-high and bass reflex woofer.
Another use of the 17cm P2C speaker in an entry level Genuin with a mature sound.


Sweetspot 2011 in Jönköping

VälLjud, the Swedish distributor for Blumenhofer Acoustics, was at the Swedish show Sweetspot 2001 showing the Blumenhofer FS3 and furthermore a dealer showing the Blumenhofer FS1.
VälLjud was playing on a system consisting of Kondo Ongaku, Kondo M7 Phono and Kondo SFZ Stepup and a Oracle Delphi turntable, there was also an EAR Acute cd player for the digital playback. All cables was also Kondo, and a Shunyata netfilter.
The show was a big success with a lot of compliments on the exquisite sound coming from the Blumenhofer speakers.


Event at Cherubini in Rome 2011

We have been at Cherubini’s in Rome. The acceptance has been fantastic and the people in Rome have a very enjoyable way living. We have made some visits of beautiful areas in the town and enjoyed typical meals. We will go back there with joy.



We made some serious fotoshooting of our loudspeakers... but a primadonna pretended the center of the objective...