Neuheiten um Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Review of the Tempesta 20 on


This time was Martin Mertens who wrote the review of the Tempesta 20. It has come out today on
I've never known Martin personally. So when the Fairaudio told me that he would have performed the listening session and written the review I was surprised.
If they trust him, I shall as well :-)
...and they were right!

Here You can read it, on German.
The reviewer writes that the Tempesta 20...:
- ...belong to that kind of loudspeakers made for listening for Music
- ...focus the happening where it actually plays
- ...its bass comes to the point, fast, sharp and agile
- scratches in combination with a tube amplifier to the Nirvana of High End
Well, who would want more?


Finally setup and running - The new machine

This project took us more than an year of planing and study. We had to build a complete new production house, that at the same time is our store and will have one space for a very special listening room: our reference Blumenhofer Cinema. But for the Cinema will take some more months.

The important milestone is the installation and the first tests of the new machine. It is a 5-Axis CNC controlled processing centre. For some it might be small, for us is a big step. This will speed up our production process and improve the quality of our products, giving us at the same time more freedom in terms of forms and ideas and more flexibility in terms of fast response to the needs of the customers.
The machine is an italian Biesse Rover, a leading product from a leading company in CNC based processing centers: we can really talk about cutting-edge technologies :-)

Now we can focus again 100% on our core business: Loudspeakers with cutting-edge musical qualities.
Curious? We are as well! Here more pictures


Audiofil Show in Wrocław, Poland

In Radisson Blu Hotel, our Genuin FS 2 played on a Wall Audio System in the boundary of an Audiofil event. According to Andreas Wall, the manufacturer of the electronics components, the components fit together in a fantastic way!!
The first step in the Polish market! If You are curious, here some pictures of the event courtesy of Andreas Wall.


New way in Scandinavia

An optimistic and a pessimistic sales manager have been sent to Africa to sell shoes.
They both send their market assessment back to the main company.
The Optimistic wrote: "Good news: nobody wears shoes here!"
The Pessimistic wrote: "Bad news: nobody wears shoes here!"

Stolen somewhere... I do not remember from whom, sorry

We split from VälLjuD and from Exotic Audio. It was a common decision taken together with Henrik and Kim.
Wait and see... we will probably meet again in Göteborg, in September.

Munich High End 2014


What an event. Tons of people, lot of contacts, huge interest. Bigger than ever. Gives confidence!
Here a little story about our experience at the show:

This is a panorama of our room, here You can enjoy more pictures, and here You can see the pictures made by Peter


The setup was impressive:
- Our concept loudspeaker, an horn loaded open baffle with bass flow stream (soon more info in a dedicated web page)

Power Amplification from Allnic Audio an astonishing brand from Corea
- Phono Preamplifier H-5000DHT
- Line Preamplifier L-5000DHT
- Power Amplifier A-10.000DHT

Digital Source from Metronome Technologies specialized in CD players, transports and DACs from France
- DA Converter C-8
- CD Transport Calypso

Analog source from Pluto Audio, a highly exclusive turntable manufacturer from Holland, on the market since about 40 years
- 10A Reference Special with new Motor design from Sonore AC, 9A Special MKII tonearm with a special designed Cammino HP tonearm cable

Cabling from High Fidelity Cable from Texas, USA
- Interconnect and Loudspeaker Cables, the top for the moment

Power handling from Cammino-HP, a small but growing company from Italy:
- H3.1 Power Harmonizer
- Several power cables
- Turntable tonearm cable

All in all I do not dare to count together the cost of the shown system and I honestly enjoyed it day by day more: it had each day development that brought it more and more in the direction of music.
- Thursday we started
- Friday we moved the loudspeakers
- Saturday we swapped cartridge to an AirTight Supreme Gold
- Sunday was the time of the Anna MC Cartridge of Ortofon

There was lot of people until the latest ours of the Sunday, our room was nearly constantly filled and we hardly come to visit the rest of the show.
The feedback of the public was enthusiastic and opened the way to further developments.

Sunday evening was a pity to dismantle the system and conclude the show... but now it is time to collect the results. See You in the Munich High End 2015!

We introduce the Genuin FS 1 MK 2

We started our adventure in the High End business back in 2004 with the Genuin FS 1. After 10 years it is time to upgrade it and go in the next step. We introduce the Genuin FS 1 MK 2. The base concept is the same like in the original product. We still have a 16" woofer with a 2" horn for the mid high range. The difference is in the bass reflex tuning, it is directed to the floor instead of the front. It is a different woofer and the cabinet does have a bigger volume without increasing too much the dimensions. The cabinet concept bases on the harmonic principle successfully introduced with the Genuin FS 2. More information and pictures will be added to the web page soon.

Dry Run Munich High End 2014

We met here in Walkertshofen Eddy from Pluto Audio, Peter from Allnic in Germany, Claudio from Cammino and had some discussion and work to perfectly tune up our system for the Munich High End 2014. We are now satisfied with the sound and pleased by the result... we are sure You will be thrilled too!!

More pictures will be available after the Munich High End ;-)
More pictures available since the 16th of Mai 2014 here!!


Shanghai High End HiFi Show 2014

It is a fix appointment with our sales Representative in China. I do not need to stress the big contrasts we meet every time we are there. This time was as usual astonishing. Huge amount of people visiting us and spending time in our stand. I hope that You enjoyed it, if You have been there!! We did.
==> to the gallery


Private HiFi United - Home Vision dealer Event

On the 14th April, we participated together with Octave to a private dealer and distributor event in Bologna. Our italian distributor invited us to participate to his yearly meeting. There we had the possibility to share informations about our products. It was a really challenging event. As usual the look of the Genuin FS 2 polarized, but it is a great hint that we can do whatever veneer Your customer may wish.

The chain playing was composed as follows:
- 40 years old Technics turntable in Blumenhofer Acoustics plint
- Octave Phonomodule
- Octave HP 500 SE preamplifier
- Octave MRE 220 mono amplifier
- Exposure CD Player
- and our Genuin FS 2

Only on static display there were:
- Octave V 70 SE
- Mini in Pear look
- Tempesta 17 bookshelf in indian apple tree
- one sample of in wall loudspeakers

Well... I know that it can play much better, but it was great!!
==> to the gallery


Report about the Audio 21 event

René L. van Es wrote a report about the event for the 40 Years Pluto at Audio 21. He spend quite some nice words about our loudspeakers... for those who understand Dutch, here is the article ;-)

He says about the Genuin FS 2:
Some time ago I had the FS2 at home for a review and rated them highly. For less than 15.000 Euro a pair they are yours and I do promise you that you will enjoy your music collection over a long period and you won’t cherish further wishes
And about the Gran Gioia:
Of a to me well known recording from Holly Cole the tracks "Be Careful It’s My Heart" and "Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries" belong to my personal favorites of the LP version. With the Gran Gioia the playback is fast and wide open. Very transparent but not to an unattractive analytical level. As soon as more instruments join the piano the created harmony justifies the price level of this system.


40 years of Pluto turntables at Audio 21

When I asked Marco, the distributor from the Netherlands, he was enthusiastic about the results of the show at Audio 21. Following are, more or less, his words:

The show went great! Lots of visitors, great sound, even AJ (van den Hul) participated personally. René van Es took the pictures (now in the gallery) and will write a show report of the day.
It was the first show ever worldwide with 4 Pluto turntables. We played with the Gran Gioia's and the Genuin FS 2's and for the first time with a complete van den Hul amplification set-up!
All the Plutos played with the new Crimson cartridge from van den Hul.

You can read a report on the event written by René van Es on the pages of page

Set-up 1: Gran Gioia with Pluto 10A turntable, 9a tonearm (Cammino wired) and vdH Crimson card, VdH Grail SB (Holy Grail) phono preamp. Pluto 12a turntable, Reed 2A tonearm, vdH Crimson card and vdH Grail phono preamp, vdH Emerald pre- and Excalibur mono power amplifiers, vdH 3T cabling.
Gioias in a static setup with Pathos amplifier and a Pluto 12A carbon turntable.
Living room setup: Pluto 12 A carbon Cobra with Pluto 6 A tonearm, vdH Crimson card, Sonore AC pre and poweramplifiers, vdH Grail phono preamp and Blumenhofer FS2 loudspeakers.


Music days in Düren

Even this year the Neueshören Record store in Düren had an event about Blumenhofer.
Well... they were that busy dealing with customers that they forgot about taking pictures.

It must have been amazing.

2014_04_04 - Recordstore Day Dueren

Audio Spring Time - Rotterdam

In Rotterdam Music2 presented, as usual a huge setup in 2 rooms.
One room with Sonore AC and the Gran Gioia another with an Octave system and a Genuin FS 2.

The press was enthusiastic:
- Sonore AC  is a new and innovative Dutch company. The combination of the Sonore amps with the Blumenhofer Gran Gioia's and the  breathtaking Pluto Audio 10A turntable was really from the highest class! Even with only 3 days of burned inn loudspeakers I cannot believe it can be better than this. Absolutely amazing...
- When I arrived at the top-floor I could not believe what I was hearing.  When closing my eyes I was listening to a live performance: High End at the Highest level!

Here some pictures of the show


News on ReMusic about the Event at Spinelli


ReMusic wrote a short notice about the Blumenhofer-Cammino-Yamaha event at Spinelli in Milano. Here You can read it in Italian

Home Cinema Event at Spinelli Milan

At Spinelli was the first time we made such an home video event and I must tell it: it was impressive! Really amazing what a good home cinema system can do.
During set-up we did have some really hard time: making it perfect to the spot has been more challenging than expected.

Anyway impressive:
- Tempesta 20 mains
- Center 20
- Surround 17
- Sub 15

- Galaktron Power amplifier
- Cambridge Audio receiver
- Cambridge Audio Blue Ray player
- Epson 4k projector

Cabling and power treatment:
- Cammino

Well... I'm thinking about such a setup at my place ;-)

Here some pictures of the event.

