Neuheiten um Blumenhofer Acoustics
Music in the original Marantz age CD
30 March 2012, 04:37 CDsEnjoy the Music, if You are lucky enough to get one of the 2000 copies :-)
Ingram Washington CD and LP - What a difference a day makes
29 March 2012, 04:52 CDsThe enjoyable warm voice of Ingram Washington in his CD/LP "What a difference a day makes" brings back sonorities and inspirations from vinyl and piano bar atmosphere.
Useless for me to stress that it has been mastered with Blumenhofer's Loudspeakers :-)
TNT-Audio Report about Blumenhofer Acoustics
26 March 2012, 10:55 Company Report, Italy, PressOn the 28th of January, Hartmut Quaschnik paid a visit to our company in Walkertshofen. He wrote a short report on his experience at our place. You can read it in english here.
Hartmut mentions that You are invited to visit us during the Munich High End. Please contact us in advance, there is only limited availability.
If You prefer reading the italian version of the article, You can find it here
Visit of René L. van Es - Listening session on the Genuin FS 2
21 March 2012, 13:40 Genuin FS 2, Netherlands, PressMusic2 Audio Import is now our new distributor for Belgium and Luxemburg
5 March 2012, 14:00 Belgium, Distributor, LuxemburgMarco de Wilde of Music2 Audio Import decided to accept the challenge
You can find him here: info (at)
Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2012
13 February 2012, 18:00 Fun 13, Germany, HiFi ShowThis time has been a different show, I spent a lot of time talking with final customer in our room and it has been really enjoyable.
Volker of Einstein Audio had as usual really great music and was fun.
Fun 13, our new speaker was the star of the room and the people were surprised by the range and musicality that it has been able to express for the 2 days.
It has been driven by:
- The Source, the gorgeous CD Player of Einstein Audio
- The absolute Tune, the integrated Einstein Amplifier
and on the analog side there was
- Roksan Xerses turntable
- The Turntable Choice, phono preamplifier of Einstein Audio
Power Harmonization by Cammino, Italy
Report about Blumenhofer and the Wiki on Music Emotion - Wiki Wonderland - René L. van Es
29 January 2012, 19:58 Company Report, Netherlands, Press, Review, Review Wiki, WikiThey told me it is great the way it is written and the information on our company and the quality of our products is very very positive...
...I'd like to be able to read it: it is written in Dutch. Here can be read online
CES 2012 in Las Vegas
10 January 2012, 09:56 Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, USARarely was our room not full and not visited. The contacts have been several and well promising. The cooperation with Grandinote, Astin Trew, Cammino and Acoustics Signature has been fruitful. The results will be fruitful as well.
The Show 2012 in Las Vegas
10 January 2012, 08:58 big Fun 17, Fun 13, HiFi Show, USAReview of the Fun 13 on
8 January 2012, 09:57 Fun 13, Germany, Press, Review, Review Fun 13
Ralph Werner of had for some time the Fun 13 at home. Here you can read his mind on German.