Neuheiten um die Genuin FS 3 MK 2
Review of the Genuin FS 2 on HiFi Stars
Friday, Mar 3 2017, %R Genuin FS 2, Germany, Press, Review, Review Genuin FS 2Alexander Aschenbrunner from HiFi Stars spent some times with our Genuin FS 2 and had the chance to enjoy a lot of music. Apparently he will not give the loudspeaker back.
If You are curious about his report, You can read it at page 62-65 on the 34 issue of the magazine or here the pdf of the article in German and here in English
Norddeutsche HiFi Tage - Hamburg
Saturday, Feb 4 2017, %R Germany, HiFi Show, Tempesta 20
Hamburg and the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage are always worth a trip. Probably I've already mentioned: Hamburg is one of the cities where I could think about a good living. Better than a lot others.
Well, I'll not mention about the music and the higher and higher quality of the show. It is worth visiting, but believe me, You will need the whole time to be sure to find (and then enjoy) the rooms worth Your time: there are really a lot.
We played:
- The Pick Up - Einstein Cartridge
- The Tonarm - Einstein Tonarm
- Air Force 3 - Tech Das Turntable
- The Phono Preamp - Einstein Phono Preamp
- The Tune - Einstein Integrated Power Amp
- Tempesta 20 - Loudspeakers Blumenhofer
- The Power Harmonizer - Cammino power filter
- Reference series Cables - from Cammino
It is a big system, but if You consider the main parts, Loudspeakers and power amp, it is still in a reasonable price range.
As usual, blues, blues, rock, a small bit of classics, blues and then country, country blues, electro rock, country rock, blues rock, folk (but not too much) and then baroque, and orchestras…
Good music, good sound, really enjoyable for even longer than the 2 days of the show.
The organizer (Ivonne) put a basket of prizes together and we offered a set of Mini loudspeakers (here the news), they were the most valuable price of the event. These pair of Minis have been won by Ingo B**h. I hope he will enjoy them as well as I'm enjoying mine here in my home.
If You are curious about some pictures, please here You can find them.
We are curious about the 2018 edition ;-)
We received confirmation for the Munich High End 2017
Friday, Jan 13 2017, %R Germany, HiFi Show
We received confirmation that our booking for the Munich High End has been confirmed.
The only sure thing is that we will expose with MastersounD and with Cammino… More info about the setup and our plans will pop up in the dedicated preview page here
We will be in Room F224, like in the last years with Allnic, Einstein, Air Tight…
Looking forward for this new cooperation, it will be fruitful!!
Prize for the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage
Saturday, Dec 31 2016, %R Communication, Germany, HiFi Show, Mini
Ms Borchert asked us if we want to participate to the prizes drawing for the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2017.
Well we thought about it and it is a good idea, we will offer a European Walnut Mini as prize.
Among all the registered people coming to the show, one will be the lucky one and win the our Mini.
It is still in production now, but soon will be sent to Hamburg.
Mitteldeutsche HiFi Tage
Sunday, Nov 20 2016, %R Fun 13, Genuin FS 2, Genuin FS 3, Germany, Mini, Tempesta 20Armin Kern, our sales representative in the northern part of Germany, presented nearly our complete product portfolio at the Mitteldeutsche HiFi Tage in Leipzig.
He just told me that the success was amazing and that there will be some follow up in the near future.
Matthias' statement:
Ufff...geschafft, wir haben die Messe erfolgreich beendet und hatten sehr guten Zuspruch! Armin hat wieder mal die Bude gerockt!...Schlagzeuge knallen lassen...Kontrabässe schnurren lassen und so manches musikalisches Highlight an's "Hörorgan" gebracht, einfach Geil! Die Blumis sind und bleiben einfach der Hammer.
Here You can see the few pictures I received. invited his readers to have a try to Blumenhofer Acoustics. Here
Event at HiFi Wörmer - Bispingen
Saturday, Nov 19 2016, %R Event, Genuin FS 2, Germany
On the 19th of November, Stefan Wörmer from HiFi Wörmer held an event at his show room in Bispingen. Performing were the Genuin FS 2 on MastersounD electronics with ZeroUno DAC.
This is the statement of Stefan:
Klasse statt Masse!
Alle die mit uns auf Kaperfahrt fahren….so könnte eine Einleitung für die 1. Hausmesse vom „ Hifi Wörmer Der gute Ton“ beginnen…
Keine aalglatten Kisten mit beliebiger Aufschrift waren am 19. und 20. 11. dort zu hören sondern echte Charakterköpfe von Blumenhofer Acoustics die mit Ihren aufgesetzten Hörnern wie Zyklopen aus der Ilias zu entsprungen schienen oder die Monoendstufen von MastersounD die mit ihren intensiv strahlenden 845 Röhren festliche Stimmung verbreiteten.
Im Abendlicht hätte man nach dem 3. Drink auch darauf kommen können, das ein riesiger Wal einen aus der Tiefe des Raumes anvisiert….
Die Zuhörer mit Bärten ( denn nur die kommen bekanntlicherweise mit auf Kaperfahrt) hatten da gut Schmunzeln und genossen die Magie der direkt beheizten Trioden und Hocheffizens Lautsprecher , die in Norddeutschland zum raren Strandgut zählen dürften!
Wer also echte Alternativen sucht zum industriellen Audio Einerlei, setze sein Beiboot zu Wasser und segele nach Bispingen….
Fortsetzung folgt!
Stefan bears a very fine sinn for humor and a very colorful way of expressing the ideas and the concepts. Really enjoyable indeed.
Should You be curious to see some more pictures of the setup in Bispingen, please sail to these pages here
Analog Audio Forum in Krefeld
Saturday, Oct 29 2016, %R Germany, HiFi Show, Tempesta 20
We participated to the Analog Audio Association Forum in Krefeld (Germany) with our Tempesta 20, presented by Thomas H. Diehl producer of the Holz-Akustik racks.
Here You can find more information about the show, and here You can download the official flyer.
Thomas H. Diehl was really surprised about the quality of the presentation. And this is his comment about the show (in German):
die Messe ist vorbei + die Resonanz im analog-Forum ist bzgl. Blumenhofer (in der Kombi mit ASR Emitter I) durchweg gut. War auch so die durchgehende Meinung während der Messe: Die Kombi spielte unter den Top 5 in Krefeld.
==> Hätte ich so im Vorfeld nicht erwartet. Aber Blumenhofer und Emitter I in der aktuellen Version 2016 können tatsächlich sehr gut miteinander.
Here You can see some more pictures from the setup.
Röhrentage at MuSiCa NoVa - Schweig bei Nürnberg
Friday, Oct 14 2016, %R Event, Genuin FS 3, Germany
Harald Pensel, from MuSiCa NoVa started his regular RöhrenTage events with our Genuin FS 3 MK 2.
It is an impressive studio, what he presents to the customers and the choices are maybe even too much!
His statement of the day was:
War toll, viel mehr Besucher als erwartet
That means that it was good and he enjoyed the day and he had more people than expected.
Here You can see some more pictures
Westdeutsche HiFi Tage
Sunday, Oct 2 2016, %R Fun 13, Germany, HiFi Show, Tempesta 17
Thinking out of the box, the event is happening on Sunday Monday instead of Saturday Sunday. Well.
Armin Kern, our Representative North of the WeißWurst-Equator will present our products together with the products of Supra, Nottingham Analog and Synthesis. A quite good promising setup. Enjoy and book a personal presentation directly with him.
It was a really crowded event, lots of people talking and getting in contact eager to know and understand the news on the music reproduction.
This time our loudspeakers were just as static display. Next time… probably…
Here You can enjoy more pictures
Schule Lautsprecherbau
Sunday, Jul 3 2016, %R Communication, Germany, Mini, ProductThey appreciated the experience and it has been good for us as well to get new ideas.
Here some pictures