Novità sulla Genuin FS 1
Klangschloss Greifensee
Saturday, Apr 14 2018, %R Genuin FS 1, HiFi Show, Switzerland![]() |
Blumenhofer's Setup at the 2018 |
At this show we shared the big room with another company, Illusonic. This made the whole thing very relaxing: half an hour to present the system with the music, half an hour to discuss with customers outside... or drinking a cup of caffe...
Public was at a very high musical level, presentations were amazing, location was gorgeous… and we had a beautiful weather ;-)
Company Report on
Monday, Nov 28 2016, %R Company Report, Press, Switzerland
For the first time since longer, we had a journalist paying us a visit and spending some times with us in interviews and visit of our company.
Since last time the improvements are quite a lot, if I look back at the first one, published by back in 2010… well, we are completely different company.
If You wish to enjoy the reading, please, here You can find the article.
Visit of Christian Wenger -
Monday, Nov 14 2016, %R Company Report, Press, SwitzerlandChristian Wenger from and André Aebischer from paid us a visit to interview us about the vision we have and the upcoming products. We disclosed a lot of information in the interview, but some of them were not intended to be made public jet. You will soon see some anticipation in this news page.
Both of them shot lots of pictures during the days and we took time to continue the visit even in places where we made some professionals installation as well.
Here You can browse some pictures they shared with us and have a little feeling of the kindness of the visit.
In a few weeks Christian Wenger will publish an article on the pages about the company and the interviews.
Opening High End Audio Zimmermann Studio in Schaffausen, Switzerland
Saturday, Nov 5 2016, %R Event, Genuin FS 3, Switzerland, Tempesta 20
This is the statement of Mr. Zimmermann, the owner of the shop. He seemed quite happy about the result and the visitors.
Es war ein grosser Erfolg! - Am Samstag und Sonntag den 05.+ 06.11.16 besuchten uns viele fachkundige High-End interessierte. Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihren Besuch.
Here You can see more pictures
Soundrevolution in Olten Switzerland
Saturday, Mar 12 2016, %R Event, Genuin FS 3, Switzerland, Tempesta 17
Our distributor, André Aebischer, from was very enthusiastic about the event in Olten. Here are his words in German!
Es war ein sehr erfolgreicher Tag. Es hatte nicht wahnsinnig viel Leute aber alle hatten viel Interesse.Die Kommentare zu Blumenhofer, Einstein und natürlich Hegel waren sehr positiv!Die meisten kannten Blumenhofer nicht, waren aber erstaunt wie gut die Lautsprecher klingen.Wir planen in Zukunft zwei Events pro Jahr bei Christian zu machen. Einer im Frühling und einer im Herbst.Im EG führten wir folgendes System laufen:Quelle: Mac Computer (AirPlay) oder CD Transport Gato Audio CDD-1beides über den Hegel Wandler HD30 (Computer USB) und (CD Coaxial Digital.)Verstärker Vollerstärker Hegel H160.Lautsprecher Blumenhofer Tempesta 17Und Strom natürlich über den Cammino HarmonizerIm UG hatten wir folgendes System laufen.Plattenspieler Thales TTT-Compact mit Tonzelle EMT JSD 6Phonovorverstärker von Einstein The little big phonoVollverstärker Einstein The TuneLautsprecher B&W........ ähh sorry Blumenhofer Genuin FS 3 MK 2 Und das ganze wieder über den Cammino Harmonizer.Ich bin froh, dass ich diesen Lautsprecher gekauft habe, der ist wirklich genial!!
For those not speaking German, in the end he says that he is really happy to have a Genuin FS 3 MK 2, it is a gorgeous loudspeaker!!
If You are curious, here some pictures of the event
Review of the Tempesta 17 on AV Guide in German
Monday, Feb 1 2016, %R Press, Review, Review Tempesta 17, Switzerland, Tempesta 17
Mr. Daniel Schmid from writes a very positive report about our Tempesta 17. It has been tested in a set with the Hegel 160 and the reporter was widely convinced about the delivered quality.
Here You can read it in German
These are some highlights from the text, in German:
- Die Tempesta 17 schaffte es mühelos die atmosphärische Dichte des Stampen in Stockholm ausdrucksstark zu reproduzieren
- die Wiedergabe hat Charakter und lädt richtig zum Musikhören ein
- Besonders überzeugend dann wieder die sehr akkurate räumlich Abbildung, welche sofern auf der Aufnahmen vorhanden einen herrlichen dreidimensionalen Klangraum erzeugt
- Die präzise und authentische Klangentfaltung bürgt für geschmackvollen und sehr kultivierten Musikgenuss mit hohem Spassfaktor
Montreux CE Show 2015
Sunday, Sep 20 2015, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, Switzerland
At the Montreux CE Expo 2015, Soundrevolution had a big room, about 70 square meter, and we presented our Genuin FS 2 combined with The Tune from Einstein. The whole power cleaning was based on Cammino their Power Harmonizer to get the system playing at its best.
The opted for analogue music reproduction, but even our CD partners found a good solution for their needs. The sources will be:
- Plattenspieler Thales TTT-Compact including the famous Thales Tonarm
- CD Transport from Audio Tonale
At fist I was surprised by the quantity of strange products at the show: refrigerators, ovens, television sets, even pots and hair blowers.
At first I was not really understanding what was happening: very little public at the show. Then I understood that: it was a dealer show.
Each person entering the room was in fact dealer of some kind of electronic components or home appliances. GREAT!!
We had the time to spend and to discuss with each person coming to our room. I think I've seldom enjoyed such a relaxed and rich fair, seldom in such a beautiful place with such a rich environment (even outside the show area).
If You are curious? Here to our gallery.
Report from the Swiss High End 2014 in Zürich
Friday, Oct 17 2014, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, SwitzerlandWe were there, and we had fun!!
We changed everything and in the end everything was even better than last year. What shall I write, the best sign of success is seeing people staying in the room long time and... something I take with me? A customer brought a CD of the Toccata and Fugue of Bach, the classic organ piece. This time I plaid loud and in the end I had such a fantastic feeling of satisfaction and completeness that I only seldom remember. That was music!
The power amplification: Octave V70SE with integrated in the Power Amplifier
Analog source: Dr. Feickert Woodpecker with Tonearm from Jelco and Lyra Delos Cartridge
Digital source: CD Transport from Audio Tonale with DAC from Hegel
Of course the whole cabling from Cammino including the power harmonizer.
If You wish to have a short view of what we did, take a look at the pictures here
Swiss High End 2013 in Zürich
Monday, Oct 21 2013, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, Switzerland
This was our first participation to the Zürich High End 2013 and I must say it was a really positive surprise. Blumenhofer is in Switzerland an already well known and estimated brand and the public knew what they were looking for. Really enjoyable. Sound Revolution, our distributor for Switzerland has been able to make a very astonishing setup in that room.
The system was composed by:
- Gato Audio CD Player from Denmark
- Hegel Music System DAC with integrated Preamplifier from Norway
- Sauermann Audio Power Amplifier from Germany
- Wireworld and Cammino cabling from USA and Italy
- Cammino H3.1 Power Harmonizer from Italy
- and of course our Genuin FS 2
I must say, it made music and the public liked it really a lot, the comments of the people going out of the room were really cheering and pleased me and the team exposing in Zürich.
Then the spectacular atmosphere created by the artistic tapestry and the very pleasant environment completed the charm. It was a long work, but it was worth it.
A big thank You to André and Gerd for making this possible.
If I made You a bit curious, here You can find the picture gallery.
And here the list of products presented.
Sound Revolution is our new distributor for Switzerland
Tuesday, May 21 2013, %R Distributor, Switzerland
Sound Revolution is our new distributor for Switzerland.
Here You can contact him:
Sound Revolution Sàrl
Rte de Vevey 39
1616 Attalens
Tel.: +41 21 947 35 63
Mobile: +41 79 217 56 51
Fax: +41 21 947 35 64