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The last Fun 10 left our premises - we discontinue the Fun 10

Introduced back in Mai 2012. We are now forced to discontinue the Fun 10. Some of the components it relied upon are not more available for us.
It helped us to supply one valid product even in the lower market segments, where the competition is fiercer and does not always rely on real quality of sound and of the product.


Review of the Fun 10 on


Wojciech Pacuła from High tested our Fun 10 in his online magazine. Well, he says in an e-mail to me, that he enjoyed it. And I believe him because I know the qualities of the Fun 10.
If You are curious to read it, here it is, in Polish


HiFi Messen in Horten - Norway


Horten HiFi Messen is a small show in Horten, Norway.

Ketil invested lot of research to chose what to play in the room. He even made a professional measurement of the sound qualities of the room to be sure to be ready for the show and avoid surprises during setup.
He sais:

Great hifi show
very nice feedback, the Fun 10 was perfect in this small room.

The set up was simple:
- Resonessence labs Mirus DAC
- Leben CS 600
- FUN 10
- Cables from Analysis Plus
- DAAD Room treatment from acustica applicata


"Real High Efficiency" event in Calco near Lecco, Italy


On the 28th of June Alta Fedeltà in Calco, near Lecco hosted a very nice event with Blumenhofer.
Here You can read something more about the event. It is written on Italian.
Which Loudspeakers? A Fun 10, a Tempesta 20 and a Genuin FS 2 connected to Octave power amplification.

The Sala Grande room had:

  • whole cabling from Cammino-HP
  • Power harmonization from Cammino as well

The Sala Nuova room presented:

Needles to say that most people spent most of the time in the Sala Grande.
Well, we hat lots of questions and lot of information share, lot of talks and, in between, I had the chance to sit down and enjoy some music: my impression was that there was no system, that everything disappeared and the music came like a wall with a refinement and a description precise like a diamond cut. It had the presence and the richness of a complete symphonic orchestra. Wow a seldom experience!
Here some pictures of the event.


p.s.: during the event we agreed with Angelo Jasparro for a review of the Genuin FS 2 on his online magazine, Audio-activity

Shanghai High End HiFi Show 2014

It is a fix appointment with our sales Representative in China. I do not need to stress the big contrasts we meet every time we are there. This time was as usual astonishing. Huge amount of people visiting us and spending time in our stand. I hope that You enjoyed it, if You have been there!! We did.
==> to the gallery


Guangzhou HiFi Show 2013

The Blumenhofer presence at the 2013 HiFi show in Guangzhou was really extended. Our products have been shown off in 3 Rooms.
During the show a professional recording engineer came to our room and made some demonstration about his recordings. There was a singer and himself was playing a flute.
After that he did not move any further: this was the room that was demonstrating best how near can be a reproduction match the original sound... barely a difference.
Enjoy the pictures!! in our gallery.


Warm up Your Soul with Blumenhofer today at Audio 21 in Wapenveld

Look familiar? With this event we want to welcome AUDIO21 in Wapenveld as new Blumenhofer Acoustics Dealer in his area, it was (and still is) very crowded.
A familiar ambient and a really professional support from Mark van Braam, near there a very cosy Bed and Breakfast to be able to enjoy Your own listening section until late at night and the whole day after.
Here some pictures of the event.


Beijing HiFi Exhibition

During 2013 Beijing Hi-Fi Exhibition, we has 5 days very clear sky and comfortable temperature. We considered it a good lucky charm giving a nice omen to our participation to this event.
Then the 3 days show time, we had plenty of visitors staying in our room for longer time to enjoy the music and several potential dealers approached us too.


Shanghai HiFi Expo 2013

The German Chamber of Commerce supported the German industry in the participation to the Shanghai High End Show 2013, they gave us an extraordinary logistic support and a big opportunity to present our products in Shanghai.
It was a long time that we did not go to China and we appreciated the opportunity.

In the end there were 3 rooms playing Blumenhofer Loudspeakers:
- the room of the German chamber of commerce playing a Fun 10 and a Tempesta 17 on the 3rd day
- our room with a Genuin FS 2
- the room of Mr. Amari with the Genuin FS 3 he purchased some years ago

what to say, we are small player, but apparently well appreciated :-)


We introduce the Fun 10

Like the Fun 13, the Fun 10 is a back loaded bass horn Loudspeaker with a standard silk dome for the tweeters.
Based on the same quarter wavelength technology of the Fun 13 it is a continuation of that development.

High quality MDF wood and an astonishing sound quality, available starting today. Have Fun!
