Neuheiten um die Wiki

Stockholm Highend 2011

After a short cooperation ValLjuD used the Genuin FS 3 to present his system at the Stockholm High End

The chain VälLjuD played on was composed by:
Oracle Audio mk VI Turntable
• Oracle SME reference tonearm
• Kondo IO-M pickup
• Kondo KSL-SFz step-up transformer
• Kondo KSL-M7/Phono
Kondo Ongaku
• Kondo KSL-SPz speaker cable
• Kondo KSL-LP interconnect cables
• Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 3

A lot of people were in the room and sat there for a long time listening to the system, more than one noted how enjoyable and engaging the system played.
