News about the Tempesta 17

Ljubljana Multimedia Show 2015


Lots of people told me that this is a small show. Well they should be disappointed by that: the show is big! There were at least 25 rooms and huge crowd of people. We shall not forget that Slovenia only bears about 2 million inhabitants.
The Ljubljana Multimedia HiFi show is big (here its FaceBook page), and it is worth participate to it. No doubts on that. I was thinking about it since at least 2-3 years and this year, with the meeting with Igor Opassi from Tafos Audio this idea became real.

The quality of our performance rose day by day and we have been able to deliver the quality of sound I'm used to. Each day we had to face different problems in the room, but every day we have been able to master them! Thanks to Claudio Trevisanello from Cammino and our all ideas and intuitions. One time more I state that his products are a value added to the performance.
Surprising was the EL 84 Power Amplifier of Trafomatic. There are no other words to describe it: it has been able to push the music and transfer the life feeling trough the whole chain!

The quality has been confirmed by several positive feedback from the public and several e-zines:
- TooLoud, reported in his show review several times about our room, here
- Audiopuls, came professionally with his CDs and plaid them in a real hurry trough, but that was sufficient to leave a positive impression about our system, here
- Audio-Kontakt, the participants of the forum where enthusiastic about the performance we delivered, here

Now about the system, in room 105:
- Loudspeaker Tempesta 17
- Power Amplifier Trafomatic Audio Premise
- CD Player from Exposure UK, the smallest one
The whole system is about 7600€ and plays great music already

The analog part was based on my personal Technics SP-15 Turntable
and not to forget that the complete cabling and power treatment came from Cammino

Audio-Kontakt clip of our room

It was worth being there. We think about being there again next year! Even with the hope to meet some of the people again!
Here our pictures.


Graz Vinyl & Music Fair


That was amazing, such a huge amount of people was not expected: we were ready to relax at the show, but in fact we had a huge amount of contacts that it is unbelievable!
4 Seasons - beautiful ladies came to visit us. In the name of Music and Beauty.

Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair goes Graz, 1. bis 4. Oktober 2015, Grazer Herbstmesse, Halle D (1.400 Quadratmeter)

More than 70 exposer on about 1400 m2, lots of gigs, and much more to enjoy during the days. Hereafter some information in German:

Platte trifft Teller, Klang trifft Bilder, Hörgenuss auf Augenschmaus! Rocker auf Röcke, Djs auf Djanes, HipHopper auf Austropopper, Schellacks auf Feschaks, Damen auf Herren, Junge auf Junggebliebene, …… und alle eint das Faible für Schall und Platten, für Vinyl & Musik!Über 70 internationale Aussteller auf cirka 1.400 Quadratmetern, zahlreiche Live-Acts, ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm, unzählige Tonträger, HiFi, Zubehör und ausgewählte Exponate der Sonderschauen "HiFi-Legenden und "50 jahre BEATLES in Österreich" machen die Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair zur Messe für Ihre Ohren. Und irren Sound! "Die Messe für Ihre Ohren und irren Sound" bringt dank ihres einzigartigen Konzeptes Musikliebhaber, Musikschaffende und HiFi-Hersteller zusammen. Die jeweils 3.000 bis 5.000 Besucher erwarten zahlreichen Live-Actts, dj-sets, HiFi vom Feinsten und rund eine halbe Million Tonträger.

More info here:

Sir Oliver will also play in Graz:


Here You can read the Blog comments of Walter Kircher: it is worth it and it is in english.