News about the Genuin FS 2

Analogue Extrema Rotterdam 2013

Marco our distributor surpassed himself.
He organized the show with an exceptional presence of our brand: our loudspeakers were present in 3 rooms.

In one room there was:
- Genuin FS 1
- in a setup with 4 Turntables from Pluto and Acoustics Signature
- 4 Phono preamplifiers from Einstein, van den Hul, Octave and Monk Audio
- and the Octave V110 with a (silver) black box.
- 2 H3.1 Power Harmonizer from Cammino

a really impressive setup.
On the sunday, in this room have been recorded and replayed a live concert of Case Mayfield. It was astonishing to have the artist sitting there and the music playing 1 to 1 and hardly notice a difference between the live and the playback performance.

The second room had:
- Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 2
- Einstein integrated amplifier
- Einstein Phono Preamplifier
- Dr. Feickert Blackbird

The third room showed:
- Blumenhofer Acoustics big Fun 20
- Hans Acoustics Turntables


"horns n'tubes" event at MuSiCa NoVa in Nürnberg

horns n'tubes mit MuSiCa NoVa, Blumenhofer & Scheu Analog
Das Finale Furioso. Thomas Blumenhofer aus dem schönen Walkertshofen im Allgäu baut anerkannterweise mit die besten Hornlautsprecher in Deutschland. Seit geraumer Zeit gibt's sogar durchaus preiswerte Böxchen für den Hörnchen-Einsteiger. Wir spielen sowohl die Einstiegsdrogen als auch die großen Teile für fortgeschrittene Freaks. Die Elektronik ist von mir. MuSiCa NoVa halt, Röhre pur, kompromisslos und dennoch bezahlbar. Als Zuspieler dient zum einen der CD-Player ProMetheuS, ebenfalls aus meiner Manufaktur. Zum anderen kommt ein Plattenspieler von dem angesehenen Berliner Spezialisten Scheu Analog zum Einsatz. Somit können wir glatt sagen: Alles deutsche Wertarbeit.


Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2013

What to tell about the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage.
It is one of the most appealing consumer HiFi shows in Germany and like in the last 4 years we had our chance to expose there.
This time it was not intended to be minimalistic it was a really huge system and played really good music.
The groove was there, the energy pushed us to the wall and the wish to increase the volume was there, but we had to spare the ears of our visitors.
The visitors came… and forgot to leave the room. At certain moments it was that full that we were not able to move.

We had a Genuin(e) good sound. This was the setup:

Einstein Vorstufe - The Tube
- Einstein Endstufe - The Poweramp
- Einstein CD Player - The Source
- Einstein Phono Preamplifier - The Turntable's Choice
- Pluto Audio Plattenspieler
- Van den Hul Tonabnehmer
- Cammino H 3.1 Power Harmonizer
- Klangstube Phono Rack

- Blumenhofer Acoustics Lautsprecher - Genuin FS 2

And if You are curious to see some pictures, they are
here in our Gallery.
Thank You and thank the whole Bramsfeld team for the wonderful organization.
Here the link to the HiFi Tage pages.
See You in 2014!


Review of the Genuin FS 2 on


A very nice review of our Genuin FS 2 has come out today on

Here You can read it, on German.
The reviewer writes:
- 'one of the best loudspeaker I've ever tested'
- 'that authentic is rare'
- …



We just received the short version of the report, You can download it here

Visit of René L. van Es - Listening session on the Genuin FS 2

René L. van Es, freelance journalist of Music Emotion, visited us again with Marco de Wilde of Music2 Audio Import and René Smit of to have a deep impression of the Genuin FS 2. The chain was composed by Octave HP 500 SE Preamplifier and two MRE130 Power amplifiers. The cables of Cammino and Cammino's Power Harmonizer rounded up the whole system to a fantastic music experience. Soon the report about the event will be published by Music Emotion in the Netherlands. We are looking forward for it.


CES 2012 in Las Vegas

After 36 hours of travel Andrea arrived in Las Vegas. This was only the beginning. The CES is the most important international HiFi show on the world. But only for professionals. Journalists, Distributors, Dealers, Manufacturer and all the people working in the electronic industry are allowed to participate to this event at the Venetian in Las Vegas.
Rarely was our room not full and not visited. The contacts have been several and well promising. The cooperation with Grandinote, Astin Trew, Cammino and Acoustics Signature has been fruitful. The results will be fruitful as well.


Visit of René L. van Es - Freelance Journalist of Music Emotion

René L. van Es - Freelance Journalist of Music Emotion - has spent the weekend with us in Walkertshofen.
With him were Fritz de With, Lars Dam and Cor Kleijn.

We have listened, discussed and drunk a lot of coffee.
The Setup was impressive:
- Turntable: Acustic Signature Ascona
- Tonearm: SME M2-12
- Cartridge: Sound Smith Strain Gage
- Cabling: of Cammino Reference Stage Loudspeaker and Reference Interconnect
- Amplification: Kanzy KAAM-1000
- Loudspeaker: Wiki, Genuin FS 2, Fun 13

During the days we had as well found some music ideas for the future Blumenhofer Acoustics CD, and I tell You, even if the first CD has not jet come on the market, we are already looking forward for the second. BTW, how do You like the title for the CD (SACD maybe?) "Groove into bits"? It reflects the way we recorded it: mastering directly from the turntable :-) We also had a short taste of the first songs and they sound really "analog".

The discussions were long, the interviews interesting the ideas astonishing. A real brainstorming weekend that will have effects in the near future of the company. In other companies it is called business development, we call it listening for music.

At the end René was overwhelmed by the sound and the music. You will be able to read his impressions in Music Emotion in December. We are looking forward to read the full article!!


Retro event in Walkertshofen

We had our vintage event in Walkertshofen.

Two systems were playing,
- one with an vintage Thorens turntable and a vintage 2250B Marantz receiver playing our new Fun 13 loudspeaker
- one with a Technics SP-15 and a Marantz nineteen (19) receiver playing our new Genuin FS 2 loudspeaker

The only modern components were our speakers,

Well, we all agreed, with modern loudspeaker technology older systems are able to deliver better performance than lot of new systems on the market.
Coffee and cheese were a roundup to the music enjoyment.

We will have another retro evening on the 10th of December. Feel free to come and participate.


We introduce the Genuin FS 2

Who would have thought? After several attempts we have it. It costed 3 different attempts to finally get the Genuin FS 2 ready.

It is a standard horn loudspeaker with floor ported bass reflex system. A 30cm woofer that surprises for speed and extension.
Come and enjoy it. It is worth it.


Taipei Hi Fi Show 2011

We had the chance to participate to the Taipei HiFi Show. For that occasion we used our Genuin FS 2, with a LOIT Passeri CD Player.
Several people told us, our has been the best sound of the Show
