Neuheiten um die Genuin FS 2

Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair


More than 70 exposer on about 1800 m2, lots of gigs, and much more to enjoy during the days. Hereafter some information in German:

Platte trifft Teller, Klang trifft Bilder, Hörgenuss auf Augenschmaus! Rocker auf Röcke, Djs auf Djanes, HipHopper auf Austropopper, Schellacks auf Feschaks, Damen auf Herren, Junge auf Junggebliebene, …… und alle eint das Faible für Schall und Platten, für Vinyl & Musik!Über 70 internationale Aussteller auf cirka 1.800 Quadratmetern, zahlreiche Live-Acts, ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm, unzählige Tonträger, HiFi, Zubehör und ausgewählte Exponate der Sonderschauen "HiFi-Legenden und "50 jahre BEATLES in Österreich" machen die Vienna Vinyl & Music Fair zur Messe für Ihre Ohren. Und irren Sound! "Die Messe für Ihre Ohren und irren Sound" bringt dank ihres einzigartigen Konzeptes Musikliebhaber, Musikschaffende und HiFi-Hersteller zusammen. Die jeweils 3.000 bis 5.000 Besucher erwarten zahlreichen Live-Actts, dj-sets, HiFi vom Feinsten und rund eine halbe Million Tonträger.

More info here:

We played, but that was not the main point, we played our Genuin FS 2 in an Accustic Arts setup. Crowned by a Dr. Feickert Blackbird turntable.
And there was a second setup, with a Tempesta 17. But for sure it was not an audiophile show, it was all about Music, the way it should be.
The gigs? Well, astonishing, really professionals and amazing music made. For the first time in my life, I enjoyed an hammond, live!!

My opinion? Well, believe me, this show will grow. This show has a really astonishing potential! And we are one important part of it. You will see in 5 years: if the cards are played in the proper way, it is going to become one of the reference show in the German speaking countries!
But if You are curious to see some pictures I took from the current 2015 edition: please check here our gallery
And here You can read the Blog comments of Walter Kircher: it is worth it and it is in english

Montreux CE Show 2015


At the Montreux CE Expo 2015, Soundrevolution had a big room, about 70 square meter, and we presented our Genuin FS 2 combined with The Tune from Einstein. The whole power cleaning was based on Cammino their Power Harmonizer to get the system playing at its best.

The opted for analogue music reproduction, but even our CD partners found a good solution for their needs. The sources will be:
- Plattenspieler Thales TTT-Compact including the famous Thales Tonarm
- CD Transport from Audio Tonale

At fist I was surprised by the quantity of strange products at the show: refrigerators, ovens, television sets, even pots and hair blowers.
At first I was not really understanding what was happening: very little public at the show. Then I understood that: it was a dealer show.
Each person entering the room was in fact dealer of some kind of electronic components or home appliances. GREAT!!

We had the time to spend and to discuss with each person coming to our room. I think I've seldom enjoyed such a relaxed and rich fair, seldom in such a beautiful place with such a rich environment (even outside the show area).
If You are curious? Here to our gallery.


Pakrac Multipak Exhibition


Walter Kircher, our sales representative for Austria attended the Pakrac Multipak 2015 Exhibition.
It was not expected such a kind of exposition and it was really entertaining. I was personally not there, I was still recovering from the Munich High End.

The Setup?
- Accustic Arts electronics
- Symposium Acoustics Racks
- Chisto Cables
- Genuin FS 2

Here You can see the pictures I've chosen out of the official picture library of Walter Kircher


Prague HiFi Show


We were really surprised by the dimension of this show.
It was the first show after 2 or 3 years of pause in the Czech Republic and they started anew with a bang! There were all the big names of HiFi, there were really plenty of rooms full with all the strange stuff You find at an HiFi show and there were several rooms playing good music!

Our system was composed by:
- Accustic Arts Integrated amplifier
- Accustic Arts CD Player
- Dr. Feickert Turntable
- Cammino Power Harmonizer
- Chisto cables
- of course our Genuin FS 2

The enthusiasm of the public was involving. The music was playing. We had a Genuin Fun!
The most amazing thing: there we met by surprise some good friends, Lorenzo from MastersounD
Here to the Blog entry of Walter Kircher about the Prague HiFi Show
Here You can visit our Picture Gallery

Left: Lorenzo Sanavio from MastersounD;
Right: Andrea Vitali

Event at Pawlak Essen

There was an event at Pawlak in Essen, after talks with Armin they told me it overreached each expectation, for both matters: people and meeting expectation in terms of musicality.
Here You can see some pictures: they promised to make some better ones next time :)


Event at Musicanova in Nürnberg

Harald Pensel from MuSiCa NoVa presented a combination of Blumenhofer Loudspeakers playing with MuSiCa NoVa power amplifiers and Scheu Analog source.
My idea was to be there myself as well. The told me that I should have been there: it was worth it.


Event at Sambs Hifi - Linz, Austria


Walter Kircher, our sales representative for Austria, supported the presentation of our products in Linz at Sambs HiFi.
Michael Holzinger from Sempre Audio attended the event himself and in the near future will publish a short review of the event.
During the show we agreed on a test of the Tempesta 17.

This is the setup:
·         Accustic Arts inklusive kompletter Referenz Elektronik natürlich
·         our Genuin FS 2 Lautsprecher
·         Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird Plattenspieler, mit Reed 3P Tonarm und Lyra Kleos System
·         Symposium Acoustics Rack, Basen und Rollerblocks
·         Cammino Power Harmonizer
·         Chisto Das klang Vintage-DNA Kabel

From the pictures, the system looked gorgeous and from the tales, it played every nice and emotional, able to transfer a really nice sense of music.


Walter Kircher published a long review of the event with the complete list of the equipment utilized. You can read it here
Here You can browse some pictures on our pages, and here You can browse the official photo Album of the event on Walter Kircher's pages.

Review of the Genuin FS 2 on


2015 starts well: Angelo Jasparro of Audio-Activity published a nice review of our Genuin FS 2. Both in Italian and in English at the same time, as proof of great Professionalism.
In the interesting browsing trough music Angelo says about the Genuin:

- The Nutcracker by Tchaikovski, Kirov Orchestra, directed by Valery Gergiev (Philips) […] The violent finale of the “Intrada” of the “Pas de Deux” is reproduced with ease by the Blumenhofers. This is something that does not happen with the majority of the hi-fi components that we have in our houses!

- These loudspeakers, despite the horns, are able to disappear and let the scene to music.

- […] this is a device produced with care by someone that is not just an assembler […]

The Audio Traveler Report on the Athens HiFi Show


The Audio Traveler wrote some comments on some of the rooms of the Athens HiFi Show.
Our room was one of the chosen ones. Here You can read his opinion.
PANAGIOTIS KARAVITIS appreciated the qualities of the system:

I heard Ella Fitzgerald singing “Black Coffee” with a vibrant and clear voice like few other times.
The 12” woofer provided all the bass one would want for a moderate room.

Guangzhou AV and HiFi Show 2014

Be welcome to visit our picture gallery here
Probably this year we will open new chances and future for the presence of our brand in China.
One thing I can state: it was an hard trip, but it was worth it.
