News about the Genuin FS 1
Hi Fi Show in Veldhoven Holland
Saturday, Oct 7 2023, %R Genuin FS 3, HiFi Show, NetherlandsToday in Veldhoven, Holland, is presenting our Genuin FS 3 MK 2 loudspeakers with Trafomatic amplification. Van den Hul cabling
Here some pictures upfront of the event
Dutch Audio Event - Veldhoven
Sunday, Oct 9 2022, %R Corona, Genuin FS 3, HiFi Show, NetherlandsMarco from presented two setups at the Duch Audio Event in Veldhoven.
The Genuin FS 3 MK 2 powered by a Trafomatic EOS
And The Corona 2x220 powered by a Trafomatic Pandora.
Blumenhofer at the HiFi auf dem Bauernhof on the 16th-17th November
Friday, Nov 8 2019, %R Event, Genuin FS 3We will present our Genuin FS 3 MK 2 at the 'Tag der offenen Türen" at HiFi auf dem Bauernhof in Altusried. The actual setup of the system is still not clear, but for sure we will give our best!!
This are the words of the Bauernhof-Team:
Natürlich werden wir auch 2019 wieder einen spannenden Tag der offenen Tür veranstalten. Auf der immer währenden Suche nach ausserordentlich guten Produkten sind wir auch dieses Jahr wieder fündig geworden. Ob es die tollen Plattenspieler von Soulines aus Serbien sind, oder die extrem guten Lautsprecher von Spendor aus England und Blumenhofer Acoustics aus Bayern.
Aber es wird auch noch etwas großes auf uns zukommen - Mehr wird noch nicht verraten. Seien Sie gespannt! Wir laden alle Musik- und Hifi-Begeisterten herzlich nach Altusried ein. Was haben Sie zu erwarten? Natürlich werden wir in allen Studios wieder tolle Musikanlagen aufgebaut haben. Unsere Partner aus der Industrie unterstützen uns dabei und beantworten jede Ihrer Fragen. In unserem Plattenladen gibts wie immer bei Veranstaltungen Sonderpreise und wir freuen uns auf den einzigartigen, eigenen Mikrokosmos der jedes Jahr im Plattenladen entsteht.Natürlich werden wir auch wieder fürs leibliche Wohl sorgen. Kommen Sie einfach vorbei und erleben Sie den besonderen Spirit auf dem Hifi Bauernhof. Liebe zur Musik, bezahlbare aber aussergewöhnlich gute Audio-Produkte, viel gute Musik und jede Menge nette Menschen. Es kann wenn sei möchten eine richtiger Urlaubstag werden. Das Hifi Bauernhof Team freut sich auf Sie
Milano HiFi presentation of the Genuin FS 1 MK 2
Saturday, Apr 22 2017, %R Genuin FS 1, Genuin FS 3, HiFi Show, Italy
Our Milan dealer, Enea Spinelli from Spinelli HiFi, participated to the Milano Hi-Fidelity show this year. An event from the Sound of the Valve by Stefano Zaini, this event presents HiFi in Milano since more than 16 years.
It has been an amazing weekend with some very good music and food. I enjoyed the chance as well to test some of the music for the Munich High End.
No big news in the setup but for the new racks of Solidsteel and feet of Omicron. Nothing very mind blowing, but a lot of small things to increase the level of the presentation.
Octave and Marantz electronics, Transrotor and Rega sources, Cammino cabling and power treatment. Blumenhofer loudspeakers.
If You wich to see more pictures You can enjoy them here.
Avid at Simply HiFi
Friday, Apr 7 2017, %R Austria, Event, Genuin FS 3
At Simply HiFi the comparison between 3 levels of turntables run on Blumenhofer Genuin FS 3 MK 2 Loudspeakers. Here You can enjoy more pictures.
Review of the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 on High
Wednesday, Mar 1 2017, %R Genuin FS 3, Poland, Review Genuin FS 3The polish magazine High Fidelity translated the review of the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 written by Marek Dyba in English. Here You can read it. I'll read it in the next few hours…
Review of the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 on High Fidelity. pl
Thursday, Feb 16 2017, %R Genuin FS 3, Poland, Review Genuin FS 3
Marek Dyba wrote a review in polish language about our Genuin FS 3 MK 2. Apparently one of the best reviews ever. You can read the review in polish here.
Dealer Event at Sambs HiFi
Friday, Jan 13 2017, %R Austria, Genuin FS 3And these are the comments of Walter Kircher, our sales Representative in Austria:
super besucht in Linz!
Du stehst in den letzten Tagen aber extrem auf der Leitung... was spielt denn gerade in Linz??? 👯👯
Here more pictures
Il Galà di Spinelli - Milano
Saturday, Dec 3 2016, %R Event, Genuin FS 1, Genuin FS 3, Italy, Tempesta 17, Tempesta 20
After the big success of the Gran Galà dell'Alta Fedeltà in Milano, Spinelli, our local dealer, invited his customers to listen to the system of the show.
The setups were 3 and the loudspeakers playing were 4. All Cammino Cabling, all Octave amplification. Really amazing systems, all really enjoyable.
We spent the day talking with people and listening to music. That was good… meanwhile, our children were amazingly playing: everyone had his fun!!
If You are curious about the setup, You can get the information from the pictures here