News about the Mini

Review of the big Fun 17 on Stereoplay 06/2012 online available

Straight before the Munich High End 2012 Wolfram Eifert tested our big Fun 17.
That article is a really good description of what our loudspeaker is able to do.

By chance I found the online version of the article some minutes ago. Here You can read it.
That article was a comparison between 3 horn loudspeaker following 3 different operating principles. Here You can find the whole comparison.

You can read it on Stereoplay 06/2012 on page 38 as well.

2013_01_12-big-Fun-17 2013_01_12-Stereoplay 06-2012

Review of the big Fun 17 on Stereoplay 06/2012

Straight before the Munich High End 2012 Wolfram Eifert tested our big Fun 17.
That article is a really good description of what our loudspeaker is able to do.

You can read it on Stereoplay 06/2012 on page 38 or here online as comparison test or here as single test

2012_06_18-Stereoplay 06-2012

Review of the big Fun 17 on Fedeltà del Suono 182

Excellent report about the Fun 17 on Fedeltà del Suono N°182 in Italy. There it seems that the journalist for the first time after a long time enjoyed listening music instead of a system.... and we got the Tech Award!


Here you can download the article in Italian.


Review of the big Fun 17 on Stereo 08/2010


Our Fun 17 has been tested on Stereo. The report is worth reading: have Fun!!

You can read the Measurement report here
Here you can read the Review
The Loudspeaker has ben rated excellent!



Review of the big Fun 17 on

Pierre Stemmelin of had a private audition of the Fun 17 at Full High End in Yerres. Here you can read his mind and here you can download the pdf of the article.

Review of the big Fun 17 on Image HiFi


Cai Brockmann of image hifi had for a short time our Fun 17 at home. Here can you download his opinion. A nice story.
