
From a big love for music: the only loudspeaker in this class, wich can be used even with tubes.

After some years of waiting we decided to reintroduce the Mini in our product portfolio.
The Mini is a loudspeaker that was present longer time in the story of Blumenhofer. It was sometimes called Mini, then Satellite Mini and so on. The basis project never changed: a 2 way loudspeaker with a 10cm woofer in a rear ported bass reflex cabinet.
The Mini has been already awarded in the past in France by the Haute Fidélité magazine the Best Buy award.

The only one in this class that can be driven by tube amplifier


• 2-Ways loudspeaker
• Rear ported Bass-Reflex


• 25mm silk dome tweeter
• 10cm (4") Woofer


• Single-wiring-terminals
• Tube Friendly
• 3 years Warranty

Technical Data

Tempesta BKSMini
ThicknessMaterialdickeSpessore19mm / 0,75"19mm / 0,75"
Internal BracingVerstrebungIrrigidimentoNoNo
Cross over chamberKammer für FrequenzweicheVolume separato per filtroNoNo
Frequency rangeFrequenzgangRisposta in frequenza50Hz - 20kHz ± 2dB60Hz - 20kHz ± 2dB
Bass CabinetBass GehäuseCabinet dei bassiBass reflexBass reflex
PortingBass ReflexCanaleRearNach hintenPosterioreRearNach hintenPosteriore
WooferTiefmitteltönerWoofer:170mm / 6,5"100mm / 4"
P2C® Sandwich
Cross over frequencyÜbergangsfrequenzFrequenza di taglio1800 Hz6000 Hz
MidhighMittelhochtönerMedioalti:Compression driverKompressionstreiberDriver a compressioneDomeKalotteCalotta
Horn ThroatHornDiametro tromba1"-
Membrane dimensionsMembranendimensionDimensione Membrana35mm / 1,4"25mm / 1"
Max power inputBelastbarkeitPotenza massima (RMS)100 W RMS60 W RMS
ImpedanceImpedanzImpedenza8 Ohm6 Ohm
Impedance linearizationImpedanzlinearisierungLinearizzazione d'impedenzaNoNo
MaterialMaterialMaterialeGold plated brassVergoldetes MessingOttone placcato oroSingle-Wiring gold platedSingle-Wiring vergoldetSingle-Wiring placcato oro
DimensionsMaßenDimensioni [mm]480 x 220 x 320 mm
19 x 8,5 x 12,5 in
280 x140 x270 mm
11 x 5,5 x 10,5 in
WeightGewichtPeso10,5 kg5 kg
Packaging dimensionsVerpackungsmaßenDimensioni imballate69 x 43 x 36 cm45 x 45 x 42 cm
Loudspeakers per cartonLautsprecher per KartonPezzi pro cartone22
Packaging weightVerpackungsgewichtPeso imballate25kg12 kg
Center LoudspeakersCenter LautsprecherDiffusori centrali:Center 17-
Center 15-
Standard VeneersStandard FurniereFiniture standard:WalnutWalnussNoceWalnutWalnussNoce
Special VeneersSpezial FurniereFiniture speciali:Dark Walnut, White Opaque, Black OpaqueDunkles Walnuss, Weissmatt, SchwarzmattNoce scuro, bianco opaco, nero opacoDark Walnut, White Opaque, Black OpaqueDunkles Walnuss, Weissmatt, SchwarzmattNoce scuro, bianco opaco, nero opaco
Premium VeneersPremium FurniereFiniture premium:-On demandAuf AnfrageSu richiesta


In our workshop we can offer true-wood veneers.
Wood is a natural product and depending on several factors might have different color and structure. Color and structure variations of the surface are not to be considered flaws.


Satin White
Satin Black


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Dimensions of the Mini