Novità su Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Westdeutsche HiFi Tage in Bonn 2011

We have been present at the Westdeutsche HiFi Tage in Bonn.

Jürgen Fuchs of
HiFi Studio Fuchs presented our Loudspeakers.
The show has been a real success of public with over 2000 people visiting the show.
In my humble opinion, this is what music needs to find back its place in the houses of the people: the place it deservs.

I asked Jürgen a statement about the event. These are his words:

am Samstag haben Grandinote Shinai und Celio die Fun 17 auf Touren gebracht.
Sonntag haben eine Trigon Phonovorstufe und ein Mastersound 300B / PSE die Musik übernommen.
An beiden Tagen spielte ein
Rui Borges UNO Plattenspieler mit Reed 2A Tonarm und Phase Tech 3G Tonabnehmersystem. Die Verkabelung stammte von dolphin audio.
Die Veranstaltung wurde von ca. 3000 interessierten Musikliebhabern besucht. Das Interesse verteilte sich gleichmäßig auf Plattenspieler, Elektronik und Lautsprecher.
Insgesamt wurde jedoch immer wieder die Homogenität der angeschlossenen Musikgeräte hervorgehoben.
Resultat: One of the best sounds of the show!!!
Also eine Wiederholung der Meinungen vom
Analog Forum in Krefeld von vor drei Wochen.

here the english translation:

on saturday Grandinote Shinai and Celio powered the big Fun 17
Sunday a MastersounD 300B/PSE and a Trigon Phono-preamplifier took over.
On both days the
Rui Borges UNO turntable with REED 2A Tonearm and Phase Tech 3G cartridge. Cables from Dolphin Audio.
About 3000 people have been present at the show and the interest has been distributed between turntable, electronic and loudspeakers.
Always has been appreciated the homogeneity of the whole chain. This lead to the common statement of the public 'Best sound of the show'!!!
Again, the same opinion and feedback coming from the
analog audio forum in Krefeld 3 weeks ago.


Visit of René L. van Es - Freelance Journalist of Music Emotion

René L. van Es - Freelance Journalist of Music Emotion - has spent the weekend with us in Walkertshofen.
With him were Fritz de With, Lars Dam and Cor Kleijn.

We have listened, discussed and drunk a lot of coffee.
The Setup was impressive:
- Turntable: Acustic Signature Ascona
- Tonearm: SME M2-12
- Cartridge: Sound Smith Strain Gage
- Cabling: of Cammino Reference Stage Loudspeaker and Reference Interconnect
- Amplification: Kanzy KAAM-1000
- Loudspeaker: Wiki, Genuin FS 2, Fun 13

During the days we had as well found some music ideas for the future Blumenhofer Acoustics CD, and I tell You, even if the first CD has not jet come on the market, we are already looking forward for the second. BTW, how do You like the title for the CD (SACD maybe?) "Groove into bits"? It reflects the way we recorded it: mastering directly from the turntable :-) We also had a short taste of the first songs and they sound really "analog".

The discussions were long, the interviews interesting the ideas astonishing. A real brainstorming weekend that will have effects in the near future of the company. In other companies it is called business development, we call it listening for music.

At the end René was overwhelmed by the sound and the music. You will be able to read his impressions in Music Emotion in December. We are looking forward to read the full article!!


Retro event in Walkertshofen

We had our vintage event in Walkertshofen.

Two systems were playing,
- one with an vintage Thorens turntable and a vintage 2250B Marantz receiver playing our new Fun 13 loudspeaker
- one with a Technics SP-15 and a Marantz nineteen (19) receiver playing our new Genuin FS 2 loudspeaker

The only modern components were our speakers,

Well, we all agreed, with modern loudspeaker technology older systems are able to deliver better performance than lot of new systems on the market.
Coffee and cheese were a roundup to the music enjoyment.

We will have another retro evening on the 10th of December. Feel free to come and participate.


Audiogurus: Article on Music Emotion for November 2011 about Blumenhofer

On the Netherlands Magazine Music Emotion of November 2011 at page 58-59, You can find an article on Thomas Blumenhofer and Blumenhofer Acoustics.
This article is the 13th article of the Audiogoeroes (Audiogurus) series: we are proud to have Blumenhofer included among the real big names of the Audio industry. If You understand Duch, You can download the article here


We introduce the Genuin FS 2

Who would have thought? After several attempts we have it. It costed 3 different attempts to finally get the Genuin FS 2 ready.

It is a standard horn loudspeaker with floor ported bass reflex system. A 30cm woofer that surprises for speed and extension.
Come and enjoy it. It is worth it.


AV-NU Audio Show in Utrecht 2011

STS-Digital has been present at the show, and as I asked Fritz his impressions, he gave me his enthusiastic statement:
We flabbergasted every visitor of the AV-NU show with a sound that, we think, they never heard before: it was music. They never experienced reproduced music in a way that Blumenhofer presented at the show.

Lots of interests and lot of pictures have been taken... the biggest surprise of the public was that that "small" speaker (Genuin FS 3) has been able to have such a big volume impact and quality.


Marantz SACD Edition 14, mastered with Blumenhofer

The new Marantz SACD Edition 14 has come on the market. It has been mastered with Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 1 and Genuin FS 3. Take a look at it, it is worth it, and here You can purchase it online directly by STS-Digital.
The SACD charms and convinces generating a warm atmosphere. The recordings are, as usual, highest quality and the choice of the songs go trough lot of different stiles and music genres. Never boring, sometimes swinging in a cozy feeling, sometimes hitting You with extraordinary impact and speed, sometimes taking You away with sweet voices. Have a listen and enjoy its music.


Analog Audio Forum in Krefeld 2011


This year our participation to the Analog Audio Forum has been really relaxing. The hard part was before and after: there were 4 rooms playing Blumenhofer Acoustics:
- Room 'Ausdauer' - the organizer's room used a Gran Gioia for its presentation and seminars. The final amplification was a Grandinote Prestigio and the cabling was as well made in Italy by Cammino
- Room 'Königsregel' - was Einstein Audio and Blumenhofer official Room, played a big Fun 17
- Room 119 - was Peter Steinfad's Room. The setup of the frankfurter hörgesellschaft was based on Musica from Japan and Crayon Audio from Austria, played a big Fun 17
- Room 122 - was Jürgen Fuchs from HiFi Studio Fuchs the setup was based on Mastersound, Rui Borges Turntable, Grandinote Phono Preamplifier, played a big Fun 17

I'm really satisfied with the result our rooms achieved during the show.
I have to say a great thank You to the whole organization team and the really kind people working for the Music in its original form.

At the end of the Show, Eric from Essen won a Pair of Blumenhofer Acoustics Satellite PC Loudspeakers and Marion from Oberhausen one set of DynAris by Aktyna.


Renaming the Fun 17 into big Fun 17

The only change is in the name.

The Fun 17 today became the big Fun 17. No other changes in the project, but the name.
Why this?
We introduced a new speaker, the Fun 13 that has a back loaded bass horn and no horn for the tweeter...
The big Fun 17 has a back loaded bass horn with a compression driver as tweeter, a big difference

We introduce the Fun 13

We were wondering if we would have been able to produce a loudspeakers in a more affordable price range that our big Fun and Genuin Series.
The Fun 13 has borne.

Back loaded bass horn Loudspeaker with a standard silk dome for the tweeters.
High quality MDF wood and an astonishing sound quality at only 2.400€ German suggested retail price


Event in Chiclana de la Fronteira 2011

Tomás of Pick-Up Sound invited me to participate to the event for Blumenhofer in Chiclana de la Fronteira, near Cadice in Spain on the 8th of October.
It was the best occasion to know him and his team personally and support his promotion of our brand in Spain.

I have been very warmly welcomed and felt as I would fit well there, maybe is the southern way of thinking, maybe is because I'm Italian and it seems natural to be there.

We set the system up on the 7th and on the morning of the 8th and have been quite satisfied of the sound result.
The setup consisted of an Ayon Spark III, and an Ayon CD Player.

At 10:30 started to come the first visitors: customers and friends of Tomás and Pick Up Sound: the enthusiasm and the affluence have been far better than expected. People came from Sivilla, Granada and Malaga to spend the day with us listening for music.
During the afternoon we changed the cables, XLR instead of RCA for the connection of the CD Player to the Power Amplifier... the setup was already good, it became fantastic!

After the show Antonio wrote me a mail that gave me lot of Joy:
[...] I think the FS 3 are amazing, love it. But the most impressing thing was Mr Vitali illuminating face every time he pronounced the word “music”.
I hope you never lose that passion and love for music, because I think that is the spirit that makes your brand sound as good.[...]

Here You can read some more about the event on the Forum of PickupSound

And that's one fact that we should never forget, as Carlos suggested during the event:

Music is a way of life. It is not made to test the systems

The Blumenhofer Experience CD - Groove into Bits Vol. 1

We spent 2 days having lot of fun listening for music and remastering it directly from the LPs.
Conny Engelmayer - You will learn some more about him in the future - has made a narrow choice out of his 10.000 LPs collection.
Fritz de With - STS Digital - brought his recording equipment to Walkertshofen.
Thomas was more at the coffee machine than at the audio equipment: lots of double expressos, just for the good taste of them.
Lars - Kanzy - presented us his power amplifier

The Sound playing system was:
- Technics SP 15 Turntable
- Turntable Plint made by Blumenhofer
- Pro-Ject 12" Tonearm
- Sound-Smith Strain-Gauge Cartridge
- Kanzy KAAM-800 Power Amplifier

Fritz is now preparing the Master and we expect the CD to be on the market before the end of the Year.


Workshop of STS Digital

Our partner Fritz de With of STS Digital is starting to cooperate with Marco de Wilde of Music2 Audio Import in the Netherlands to promote our brand...
...I tell You, wait and You will see great news coming from this cooperation :-)



Starting today You can find Blumenhofer even on here
...more and more all the picture content of the company will be available there.
