Novità su Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Event at Musicanova in Nürnberg

Harald Pensel from MuSiCa NoVa presented a combination of Blumenhofer Loudspeakers playing with MuSiCa NoVa power amplifiers and Scheu Analog source.
My idea was to be there myself as well. The told me that I should have been there: it was worth it.


Blumenhofer in TV at Audio21


Iluxcontent, filmed a short movie at Audio21 in the Netherlands. They tell me that it is quite entertaining… for those who speak Dutch. It is about the good things for the men. The things that make life sweeter and worth the living. It took the whole day to film, but Mark van Braam seems to be done for the show. Take a look at it here:


Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2015

Like last year at the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage we have been in room 1615 (and we already booked it for 2016).
Like in the last years, it was real fireworks!!!

But this time… it left me breathlessssssss.
Just some small hints of the setup:
TechDAS Air Force Two worldclass turntable, developed by former Japanese Micro Seiki: his lifetime project
Einstein Audio The Little Big Phono phonopreamp
Einstein Audio The Pickup cartridge
Einstein Audio The Tune integrated amplifier including phono MM and Dac
Cammino Power Harmonizer H3.1 - passive state of the art power conditioner (Blue Moon Award)
Einstein Audio cables and Cammino power cords
Symposium Acoustics rack, and overall decoupler and isolation and support elements

At the first moment the whole system blowed me out of my socks!
The first impression was of a great maturity and understandability of what was coming out of the speakers: it was simply real!
Then slowly the feeling came of how was set up the system. A relatively simple setup with a grown world-class turntable.

Needles to say that we just played analog and have not been shy with the volume.
Needles to say that we all enjoyed the whole happening.

Here You can read the blog post of Walter Kircher, who supported us excellently during the whole days
Here You can view our picture slideshow

And in this picture, left Mr. Borchert and right his daughter: the two people behind the whole organization of the show. A big thank You to the both of them for making this possible!!


Event at Sambs Hifi - Linz, Austria


Walter Kircher, our sales representative for Austria, supported the presentation of our products in Linz at Sambs HiFi.
Michael Holzinger from Sempre Audio attended the event himself and in the near future will publish a short review of the event.
During the show we agreed on a test of the Tempesta 17.

This is the setup:
·         Accustic Arts inklusive kompletter Referenz Elektronik natürlich
·         our Genuin FS 2 Lautsprecher
·         Dr. Feickert Analogue Blackbird Plattenspieler, mit Reed 3P Tonarm und Lyra Kleos System
·         Symposium Acoustics Rack, Basen und Rollerblocks
·         Cammino Power Harmonizer
·         Chisto Das klang Vintage-DNA Kabel

From the pictures, the system looked gorgeous and from the tales, it played every nice and emotional, able to transfer a really nice sense of music.


Walter Kircher published a long review of the event with the complete list of the equipment utilized. You can read it here
Here You can browse some pictures on our pages, and here You can browse the official photo Album of the event on Walter Kircher's pages.

Review of the Genuin FS 2 on


2015 starts well: Angelo Jasparro of Audio-Activity published a nice review of our Genuin FS 2. Both in Italian and in English at the same time, as proof of great Professionalism.
In the interesting browsing trough music Angelo says about the Genuin:

- The Nutcracker by Tchaikovski, Kirov Orchestra, directed by Valery Gergiev (Philips) […] The violent finale of the “Intrada” of the “Pas de Deux” is reproduced with ease by the Blumenhofers. This is something that does not happen with the majority of the hi-fi components that we have in our houses!

- These loudspeakers, despite the horns, are able to disappear and let the scene to music.

- […] this is a device produced with care by someone that is not just an assembler […]

The Audio Traveler Report on the Athens HiFi Show


The Audio Traveler wrote some comments on some of the rooms of the Athens HiFi Show.
Our room was one of the chosen ones. Here You can read his opinion.
PANAGIOTIS KARAVITIS appreciated the qualities of the system:

I heard Ella Fitzgerald singing “Black Coffee” with a vibrant and clear voice like few other times.
The 12” woofer provided all the bass one would want for a moderate room.

Guangzhou AV and HiFi Show 2014

Be welcome to visit our picture gallery here
Probably this year we will open new chances and future for the presence of our brand in China.
One thing I can state: it was an hard trip, but it was worth it.


High End Audio Video Show, Athens 2014


After some years of absence the Athens Audio and Video show is back on stage.
The show was good, lot of dealers, good quality visitors on the Saturday.
On Sunday there were new people coming, people who were new to the HiFi world: good chances to start up again.

The Genuin FS 2 was playing with Leben, Kondo and DPS Turntable.


Event at the Klangvilla in Leipzig


The aim of the show was not presenting Blumenhofer, but Blumenhofer has been chosen as a tool to present the other HiFi components in the game. This is for us an even bigger compliment: people should concentrate on music and listening.
Star of the show were several Ortofon cartridges on an Extension 10 Tonearm. Aim was to demonstrate the difference between several cartridges.
Electronic from Pro-ject, the reference series.

Although the star was Ortfon, the visitors paid high attention to the loudspeakers, and even women appreciated the look and the music our loudspeakers have been able to deliver.
Here You can enjoy more pictures of the event


Review of the Mini on


Ulisse Pisoni wrote a review of our Mini on, here in Italian.

These are some excerpt from the article:

They bare a beauty, a musicality and they are so enjoyable that You will not miss higher priced systems
There is no listening fatigue, the annoying sensation related to hyper-definition and hyper-detail is absent
The Mini of Blumenhofer have the virtue to be enjoyable at high volume even for longer time


Puerto Rico, we now have a representative in that beautiful island

It is a small island in the Caribbean, in the Atlantic Ocean, a nice spot on the world, where lot of people would like to spend their holidays. Harry Reynolds from AudioVisionaries will take care of that spot for us.



La Galeria de Suchville
97 Road #2 Suite 218
00966 Puerto Rico
+1 787 728-6969

Alef HiFi is our new distributor for Russia

We first met Sergey and Timur at the CES in Las Vegas 2012 and then again at the Munich High End 2014. We are starting now our cooperation.


Alef HiFi
ул. Усиевича, д.8
125319, Москва

Tel.: +7 (495) 730 5672

The Finest Brands


When I entered the room of the event of The Finest Brands, I was skeptic. I did not really understood what it was all about... but I tell You, as time went by and the discussion continued I was more and more amused and amazed!!! What a great choice, what a big chance! What a fantastic idea!

The Finest Brands is promoting Lifestyle brands and equipment made to better enjoy life and fill up the free time with great activities: Music and Dramaturgy are arts that since the dawn of mankind are supporting the soul of the men.
Which brands are included in this portfolio? For the time being, and just an example:
- Donnelly Fine Art
- Signature Royale
- Olhausen Pool table and games
- Darafeev Fine Furniture
- Inada Massage Chairs
- Memphis Grills
- LifeForm executive Seating
- Positive Posture Recliners
- ...and many more!

Blumenhofer is not directly in the portfolio of the finest brands, because electronics is not in their portfolio, but... look for the finest brands in Your hometown in USA and You will find our loudspeakers.
The most beautiful story regarding music of those days is that for the first time I've had the chance to experiment a true Blumenhofer Genuin FS 2 home cinema set. It included the Genuin CS 2 Twin center and 2 Sub 21". All powered by a spectacular Dataset processor and power amplifier. The Subs were alimented by a 10 kW power amplifier: my best cinema experience ever!!

4 were the setups in the showroom:
- Tempesta 17 Bookshelf with Sonos amplifier
- Tempesta 17 home cinema set with Arcam receiver
- Tempesta 20 stereo set with Arcam CD Player, Arcam Dac and Arcam Stereo Power Amplifier
- Genuin FS 2 home cinema set with Datasat AV Decoding and Power Amplification

Already this was a fantastic experience, and then, in another showroom, I had the chance to enjoy a complete Tempesta 20 home cinema set.

In both cases the chosen projector was a Sim2, a small luxury brand, devoted to highest quality.

Take Your time to have a look at the pictures here, they are really saying more than words!

Taken from the FB account of the Finest Brands: I'm the one on the big chair on the right side…

Tempesta 20 home cinema, picture taken at Millennium Systems Design, Inc.

Going social in the news

Well, You can notice that here have appeared some news sharing icons...
...was a challenging implementation process!


Blumenhofer Presence on Rock n Roll Magazine from Sweden

On Rock'n'Roll Magazine Number 6 of 2014 at page 70, there is a good article about the experience at the Göteborg HiFi Show. What will surprise You is the big picture of Jan and Andrea in front of the system presented at the show, here some pictures of the event.

