Neuheiten um Blumenhofer Acoustics

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We discontinue the Genuin FS 5

Genuin FS 5, the first bookshelf in the Genuin serie, horn for the mid-high and bass reflex woofer.
We originally did not expect a success for this loudspeaker, but sold quite well.
We just decided to discontinue it, because the Tempesta 17 bookshelf delivered the same quality at a much reasonable price

2013_05_19-Genuin-FS-5 report on Blumenhofer Acoustics

Roger Poulussen of wrote an article in Dutch about his visit at Blumenhofer Acoustics.
You can find it here


Munich High End 2013

This year we did not participate directly to the Munich High End. But our products were present. On the stand of STS Digital, Fritz de With used a Fun 13 to present Groove into Bits Vol. 2. We had our normal events during the whole week and the beginning of the week after. It was good, and the work was not less than exposing in the Munich High End, but not the same.


Groove into Bits Vol. 2 comes to the market


On the first day of the Munich High End Fritz de With of STS Digital presented us the Groove into Bits CD Vol. 2.
The CD presents good pieces of music. In the first issue there has been an error on the cover that will be corrected in the reissues of the CD. One song, the one of Bob Dylan, due to rights problems, did not manage to get into the final release of the CD, but it is still in our hearts. Maybe we will be able to add it in the next Groove into Bits.

We introduce the Tempesta series

After a longer development time in a cooperation with our new american partner, the Tempesta series has the right to come to the market. It has been a longer effort to get this series of product mature. Aimed at Home cinema, with a stronger attention on music reproduction.
For the time being the whole series consists of:

- 3 main loudspeakers:
Tempesta 20
Tempesta 17
Tempesta 17 Bookshelf
- 3 Centers:
Center 15
Center 17
Center 20
- 3 Subwoofers:
Sub 10"
Sub 15"
Sub 21"

We are still working on the surround components.


The Power Harmonizer of Cammino received a Blue Moon award


The Power Harmonizer of Cammino, our partner for Cabling and Power Supply has received a Blue Moon Award from 6moons. Normally we do not inform about the review of our partners, but in this case is a Blue Moon Award!! And, at least since 2008, is the first one related to electricity. Congratulations Claudio!
Here You can read the whole story written by Henk and Marja
Here You can get more information about the Blue Moon Awards 2013


Event at RitsArt

After the cooperation in the X-Fi Show in Veldhoven, last fall, Marco and Rits decided to make another event together directly in the venues of RitsArt in Maassluis in the Netherlands. During the Event René Visker started to paint the big Fun 17, as Blumenhofer unique editions
Here You can read some more in German.

The setup was composed by:
- Blumenhofer Acoustics Gioia
- Einstein integrated Power Amplifier
- Dr. Feickert Blackbird

They told me that the acoustics was not the best. But the Ambient has been exceptional.

p.s.: all pictures © Peter Vellekoop 2013


Recordstore Day in Düren

In Düren, at the Record-store, there have been an event focused on music. They concentrated on vinyl (if I understood correctly) and have chosen our loudspeakers to present their music.
It is a very charming compliment.


Shanghai HiFi Expo 2013

The German Chamber of Commerce supported the German industry in the participation to the Shanghai High End Show 2013, they gave us an extraordinary logistic support and a big opportunity to present our products in Shanghai.
It was a long time that we did not go to China and we appreciated the opportunity.

In the end there were 3 rooms playing Blumenhofer Loudspeakers:
- the room of the German chamber of commerce playing a Fun 10 and a Tempesta 17 on the 3rd day
- our room with a Genuin FS 2
- the room of Mr. Amari with the Genuin FS 3 he purchased some years ago

what to say, we are small player, but apparently well appreciated :-)


WSR Sales is our new distributor for USA

It seems like an April's fool. But it is true.
Since longer time we started our cooperation based on the development of certain products to comply with the needs of the American market.
The result is the Tempesta series, complete with Center, Surround and Subwoofers. Still there is some work to do to complete the range, but the product line has born.

The partner of this cooperation was and is Robert Thompson of WSR|Sales.

Now, our new distributor for USA is

WSR Sales
Robert Thompson

6072 Lake Melrose Dr
32829 Orlando FL

Mobile: +1 (407) 491-9116

Analogue Extrema Rotterdam 2013

Marco our distributor surpassed himself.
He organized the show with an exceptional presence of our brand: our loudspeakers were present in 3 rooms.

In one room there was:
- Genuin FS 1
- in a setup with 4 Turntables from Pluto and Acoustics Signature
- 4 Phono preamplifiers from Einstein, van den Hul, Octave and Monk Audio
- and the Octave V110 with a (silver) black box.
- 2 H3.1 Power Harmonizer from Cammino

a really impressive setup.
On the sunday, in this room have been recorded and replayed a live concert of Case Mayfield. It was astonishing to have the artist sitting there and the music playing 1 to 1 and hardly notice a difference between the live and the playback performance.

The second room had:
- Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 2
- Einstein integrated amplifier
- Einstein Phono Preamplifier
- Dr. Feickert Blackbird

The third room showed:
- Blumenhofer Acoustics big Fun 20
- Hans Acoustics Turntables


We have the winner

We have the winner for the Leserwahl contest of Stereoplay.
Alexander from Kalkar, we wish and send him Fun!

We sincerely hope he appreciate it :-)


Stereoplay Lautsprecher Jahrbuch 2013

We did not manage to get the cover, but our Wiki has been chosen by Holger Biermann to be included in the Stereoplay Loudspeaker yearbook 2013.
Take a look at page 247, there is something nice about the Wiki.


"Battle of the Best!" Event in Amsterdam at A10 Audio

Alex Loth organized at A10 Audio an event, where our Gran Gioia played on an Octave Jubilee system. They tell me that it was astonishing good. I'll hear it next week ;-)


"horns n'tubes" event at MuSiCa NoVa in Nürnberg

horns n'tubes mit MuSiCa NoVa, Blumenhofer & Scheu Analog
Das Finale Furioso. Thomas Blumenhofer aus dem schönen Walkertshofen im Allgäu baut anerkannterweise mit die besten Hornlautsprecher in Deutschland. Seit geraumer Zeit gibt's sogar durchaus preiswerte Böxchen für den Hörnchen-Einsteiger. Wir spielen sowohl die Einstiegsdrogen als auch die großen Teile für fortgeschrittene Freaks. Die Elektronik ist von mir. MuSiCa NoVa halt, Röhre pur, kompromisslos und dennoch bezahlbar. Als Zuspieler dient zum einen der CD-Player ProMetheuS, ebenfalls aus meiner Manufaktur. Zum anderen kommt ein Plattenspieler von dem angesehenen Berliner Spezialisten Scheu Analog zum Einsatz. Somit können wir glatt sagen: Alles deutsche Wertarbeit.
