News about the Genuin FS 1
Feedback on Stereophile for our Genuin FS 2 MK 2 at the AXPONA Show
Saturday, Apr 15 2023, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, USAKen Micallef from magazine, paid a visit to the booth of Alex Soundtech during the AXPONA show in Florida. His feedback was positive. Here You can read the note on that visit
The exhibition has not ended yet, and today, on the second day, there were a lot of visitors, press and customers. Unexpectedly we got a huge interest in Blumenhofer!!!Now there is no time to go into detail, but a lot of different people are interested in Blumenhofer.There were a lot of individual listenings and questions.Our system was one of the most musical systems at the show. Almost all the visitors told us about it.
Best of Florida Audio Expo Award from Enjoy the Music
Thursday, Mar 17 2022, %R Award, Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, USAAlex, from Alex Sound Tech, just informed us that Enjoy the awarded us with the 'Best of FLAX 2022' award!!
My congratulations with Alex that has been able to put together such a great system and the amazing room setup.
The Florida Audio Expo 2022 with Alex Sound Technologies
Friday, Feb 18 2022, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, USA
Alex ( received very good coverage and appreciation from customers and dealers at the Florida Audio Expo a few weeks ago and after that the coverage of the room was more than expected. That's great... You can read some of the comments in the links below. Here there are some more pictures
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
1. Alex Sound - Blumenhofer Speakers and Takatsuki Electronics
2. Alex Sound Revisit Part 1 - Day 3
3. Alex Sound - Distributor Description of Gear
Enjoy the Music (Best of FLAX 2022 Award)
The Finest Brands
Monday, Nov 10 2014, %R Event, USA
When I entered the room of the event of The Finest Brands, I was skeptic. I did not really understood what it was all about... but I tell You, as time went by and the discussion continued I was more and more amused and amazed!!! What a great choice, what a big chance! What a fantastic idea!
The Finest Brands is promoting Lifestyle brands and equipment made to better enjoy life and fill up the free time with great activities: Music and Dramaturgy are arts that since the dawn of mankind are supporting the soul of the men.
Which brands are included in this portfolio? For the time being, and just an example:
- Donnelly Fine Art
- Signature Royale
- Olhausen Pool table and games
- Darafeev Fine Furniture
- Inada Massage Chairs
- Memphis Grills
- LifeForm executive Seating
- Positive Posture Recliners
- ...and many more!
Blumenhofer is not directly in the portfolio of the finest brands, because electronics is not in their portfolio, but... look for the finest brands in Your hometown in USA and You will find our loudspeakers.
The most beautiful story regarding music of those days is that for the first time I've had the chance to experiment a true Blumenhofer Genuin FS 2 home cinema set. It included the Genuin CS 2 Twin center and 2 Sub 21". All powered by a spectacular Dataset processor and power amplifier. The Subs were alimented by a 10 kW power amplifier: my best cinema experience ever!!
4 were the setups in the showroom:
- Tempesta 17 Bookshelf with Sonos amplifier
- Tempesta 17 home cinema set with Arcam receiver
- Tempesta 20 stereo set with Arcam CD Player, Arcam Dac and Arcam Stereo Power Amplifier
- Genuin FS 2 home cinema set with Datasat AV Decoding and Power Amplification
Already this was a fantastic experience, and then, in another showroom, I had the chance to enjoy a complete Tempesta 20 home cinema set.
In both cases the chosen projector was a Sim2, a small luxury brand, devoted to highest quality.
Take Your time to have a look at the pictures here, they are really saying more than words!
Taken from the FB account of the Finest Brands: I'm the one on the big chair on the right side…
Tempesta 20 home cinema, picture taken at Millennium Systems Design, Inc.
WSR Sales is our new distributor for USA
Monday, Apr 1 2013, %R Distributor, USASince longer time we started our cooperation based on the development of certain products to comply with the needs of the American market.
The result is the Tempesta series, complete with Center, Surround and Subwoofers. Still there is some work to do to complete the range, but the product line has born.
The partner of this cooperation was and is Robert Thompson of WSR|Sales.
Now, our new distributor for USA is
Robert Thompson
6072 Lake Melrose Dr
32829 Orlando FL
Mobile: +1 (407) 491-9116
CES 2012 in Las Vegas
Tuesday, Jan 10 2012, %R Genuin FS 2, HiFi Show, USARarely was our room not full and not visited. The contacts have been several and well promising. The cooperation with Grandinote, Astin Trew, Cammino and Acoustics Signature has been fruitful. The results will be fruitful as well.