News about the Genuin FS 1
HiFi Stars and the Munich High End System with the Gran Gioia 2x10"
Wednesday, Apr 17 2019, %R Gran Gioia, Gran Gioia 2x10, HiFi Show, PressOn that day, we had a longer afternoon with the two journalists of the HiFi Stars, a german magazine. Alexander Aschenbrunner (who already wrote some reports about our loudspeakers) and Dipl.-Ing Klaus Sigl. They were eager to have a glimpse at the system that we were setting up for the Munich High End 2019.
They brought some music, we had other. The music styles covered a really wide range and the weather contributed a lot to make it relaxing, not just 'hard' work.
Sitting on the balcony we discussed the technical behind the projects and about the system considered as a whole.
There were some surprises, but the overall comment of the persons was positive. I know, You (reader of this post) have read these kind of sentences everywhere... but believe me. I know the person (Aschenbrunner), who was talking in front of me, and we are always quite frank to each other when we meet, then, no need of bullshitting each other: when it is good it is good, when it is not, then it is a shit. Curious?
Well... allow me to post these comments in German language.
Talking about our new Gran Gioia 2x10 loudspeakers:
"Zum Klang fällt mir gerade der Begriff „Musikerlebnis“ ein - exakt dies passiert beim Hören mit den Lautsprechern von Blumenhofer Acoustics. Und je größer diese sind - so wie die hier in Rede stehende Gran Goia 2 x 10 - um so größer ist das Erlebnis"
Talking about the overall system (remember, when it is positive or negative, is always the whole system playing, not just a component):
"Blumenhofer, Kronzilla, Cammino? Das bewegt Emotionen!!"
Well, this comment was stolen in a quiet minute, drinking caffe and talking about something completely different ;-)
We discontinue Gioia, Gran Gioia and Clara Luna
Wednesday, May 17 2017, %R Clara Luna, Gioia, Gran Gioia, ProductAfter several years we discontinue the Gioia, the Gran Gioia and the Clara Luna. The reasons are different but absolutely understandable.
The Clara Luna: one of the components is no more available and there is no possibility to find an alternative without going in the MK 2 version.
The Gran Gioia: in the last years we have made huge steps forward in the construction and in the knowledge about how to build horns and phase plugs.
The Gioia: very simple, the costs related to the construction of the Gioia are just a little bit lower than the costs related to the Gran Gioia. This would put the Gioia in a very similar price category to the Gran Gioia and would force us to artificially increase the price of the Gran Gioia. We are not keen to these pricing games just to avoid internal competitions. We aim at giving the best value for money to our customers.
X-Fi Veldhoven - a crowded event
Saturday, Sep 24 2016, %R Gran Gioia, HiFi Show, Netherlands
The easiest thing is to quote our distributor, Marco, the owner of
The Setup? Feickert Blackbird, Jelco, Zyx, Octave Jubilees, BH Gran Gioia's... More or less my idea of the best possible set-up you can imagine...
Statements? We were told about 100 times:
- "absolutely the best sound if the show"
- "finally a set-up that sounds as it should be"
We had about 4000 visitors in total, think they all came to our room and, well, it was SO crowded in the room that it became almost impossible to do a demo at all!!
It is true... 105m2 and sometimes having over 100 people in...
Blumenhofer in TV at Audio21
Monday, Feb 9 2015, %R Event, Gioia, Gran Gioia, Netherlands
Iluxcontent, filmed a short movie at Audio21 in the Netherlands. They tell me that it is quite entertaining… for those who speak Dutch.
It is about the good things for the men. The things that make life sweeter and worth the living.
It took the whole day to film, but Mark van Braam seems to be done for the show.
Take a look at it here:
Vinylfuif - the party on vinyl at Audio21 in Wapvenweld
Sunday, Oct 12 2014, %R Event, Fun 13, Genuin FS 2, Gran Gioia, NetherlandsThese are the Words of Mark van Braam of Audio 21:
"The 12th October, Audio21 in Wapenveld NL held their vinyl-party. In three listening rooms, three sets, the first Gran Gioia with the new preamp of Sonore AC, in the second the FS2 ‘patchwork’ which is probably the most special pair of the world, also with the amps of Sonore AC. The third listening room was filled with the fun13, amp of Pathos Acoustics. And of course vinyl was always the source; Pluto and Dr. Feickert were ‘singing’. Outside in a tent, the local vinyl store showed their new stock. About 150 people came to this charming event, in the most charming hifi-shop of the Netherlands. Next year, the first weekend of may, the second edition of the ‘Vinylfuif’. The word ‘fuif’ is difficult to translate… an other word for ‘party’ which was used in the 80’s."
Here to the picture gallery
40 years of Pluto turntables at Audio 21
Saturday, Apr 5 2014, %R Event, Genuin FS 2, Gioia, Gran Gioia, NetherlandsThe show went great! Lots of visitors, great sound, even AJ (van den Hul) participated personally. René van Es took the pictures (now in the gallery) and will write a show report of the day.
It was the first show ever worldwide with 4 Pluto turntables. We played with the Gran Gioia's and the Genuin FS 2's and for the first time with a complete van den Hul amplification set-up!
All the Plutos played with the new Crimson cartridge from van den Hul.
You can read a report on the event written by René van Es on the pages of page
Set-up 1: Gran Gioia with Pluto 10A turntable, 9a tonearm (Cammino wired) and vdH Crimson card, VdH Grail SB (Holy Grail) phono preamp. Pluto 12a turntable, Reed 2A tonearm, vdH Crimson card and vdH Grail phono preamp, vdH Emerald pre- and Excalibur mono power amplifiers, vdH 3T cabling.
Gioias in a static setup with Pathos amplifier and a Pluto 12A carbon turntable.
Living room setup: Pluto 12 A carbon Cobra with Pluto 6 A tonearm, vdH Crimson card, Sonore AC pre and poweramplifiers, vdH Grail phono preamp and Blumenhofer FS2 loudspeakers.
Audio Spring Time - Rotterdam
Saturday, Mar 22 2014, %R Genuin FS 2, Gran Gioia, HiFi Show, NetherlandsIn Rotterdam Music2 presented, as usual a huge setup in 2 rooms.
One room with Sonore AC and the Gran Gioia another with an Octave system and a Genuin FS 2.
The press was enthusiastic:
- Sonore AC is a new and innovative Dutch company. The combination of the Sonore amps with the Blumenhofer Gran Gioia's and the breathtaking Pluto Audio 10A turntable was really from the highest class! Even with only 3 days of burned inn loudspeakers I cannot believe it can be better than this. Absolutely amazing...
- When I arrived at the top-floor I could not believe what I was hearing. When closing my eyes I was listening to a live performance: High End at the Highest level!
Here some pictures of the show
X-Fi Veldhoven HiFi show 2013
Thursday, Sep 19 2013, %R Fun 17, Genuin FS 1, Genuin FS 2, Gran Gioia, HiFi Show, Netherlands, Tempesta 17, Tempesta 20Even this year Marco de Wilde of Music2 presented an astonishing show in Veldhoven.
There have been 3 rooms with Blumenhofer Acoustics loudspeakers for a total of 5 systems playing.
Here You can enjoy a picture gallery of the systems playing.
Main rooms with Blumenhofer were:
- Music2 played a Genuin FS 2, a Tempesta 17 Surround set and a Tempesta 20
- STS Digital played a Genuin FS 1 and a Fun 17
- Sonore AC played a Gran Gioia
Like last year the atmosphere was really enthusiastic and during the show lot of people showed their interest for our products.