News about the Genuin FS 1
Company Report on
Monday, Nov 28 2016, %R Company Report, Press, Switzerland
For the first time since longer, we had a journalist paying us a visit and spending some times with us in interviews and visit of our company.
Since last time the improvements are quite a lot, if I look back at the first one, published by back in 2010… well, we are completely different company.
If You wish to enjoy the reading, please, here You can find the article.
Visit of Christian Wenger -
Monday, Nov 14 2016, %R Company Report, Press, SwitzerlandChristian Wenger from and André Aebischer from paid us a visit to interview us about the vision we have and the upcoming products. We disclosed a lot of information in the interview, but some of them were not intended to be made public jet. You will soon see some anticipation in this news page.
Both of them shot lots of pictures during the days and we took time to continue the visit even in places where we made some professionals installation as well.
Here You can browse some pictures they shared with us and have a little feeling of the kindness of the visit.
In a few weeks Christian Wenger will publish an article on the pages about the company and the interviews.
Firmenportrait on HiFi Stars 29
Monday, Nov 30 2015, %R Company Report, Germany, Press, Review
On the 29th issue of the HiFi-Stars Magazine in Germany there is a Company profile (in German).
Between page 62 and 67, You can read what Mr. Alexander Aschenbrunner tells about our company.
Article on about Blumenhofer
Saturday, Sep 13 2014, %R Austria, Company Report, Press, surprised us with a very nice and well informative article about Blumenhofer Acoustics. Really positive the quantity of information given about and the deep research made by the journalist, Mr. Jürgen Weber-Rom.
Thank You a lot!
It is worth reading, here.
Visit of Walter Kircher - Austria
Wednesday, Sep 10 2014, %R Austria, Company Report, Review
On the 10th of September Walter Kircher, an Austrian HiFi-blogger, photograph and Sales Representative, paid us a visit. We had a really enjoyable and quite longer listening section of our products combined with a site visit. There is a real mutual understanding of Music, its meaning for the soul, ways to perform and reproduce it. Well, we will work together for Austria.
Here, You can read Walter's report of the visit, and here You can browse the pictures he made in our company. Enjoy!! Report on Blumenhofer
Tuesday, Aug 27 2013, %R Company Report, Netherlands, Press, ReviewThe online magazine released a report about a visit to our company during the Munich High End 2013. Here You can read it… in Dutch report on Blumenhofer Acoustics
Friday, May 17 2013, %R Company Report, Press, ReviewRoger Poulussen of wrote an article in Dutch about his visit at Blumenhofer Acoustics.
You can find it here
TNT-Audio Report about Blumenhofer Acoustics
Monday, Mar 26 2012, %R Company Report, Italy, PressOn the 28th of January, Hartmut Quaschnik paid a visit to our company in Walkertshofen. He wrote a short report on his experience at our place. You can read it in english here.
Hartmut mentions that You are invited to visit us during the Munich High End. Please contact us in advance, there is only limited availability.
If You prefer reading the italian version of the article, You can find it here
Report about Blumenhofer and the Wiki on Music Emotion - Wiki Wonderland - René L. van Es
Sunday, Jan 29 2012, %R Company Report, Netherlands, Press, Review, Review Wiki, WikiThey told me it is great the way it is written and the information on our company and the quality of our products is very very positive...
...I'd like to be able to read it: it is written in Dutch. Here can be read online
Fairaudio Report on Blumenhofer
Friday, Mar 12 2010, %R Company Report, Germany, Press, Review
In February Ralph Werner of came to visit Blumenhofer Acoustics. After 2 days together he wrote this article here. translated then the article and You can read the english translation here.