News about Blumenhofer Acoustics

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40 years of Pluto turntables at Audio 21

When I asked Marco, the distributor from the Netherlands, he was enthusiastic about the results of the show at Audio 21. Following are, more or less, his words:

The show went great! Lots of visitors, great sound, even AJ (van den Hul) participated personally. René van Es took the pictures (now in the gallery) and will write a show report of the day.
It was the first show ever worldwide with 4 Pluto turntables. We played with the Gran Gioia's and the Genuin FS 2's and for the first time with a complete van den Hul amplification set-up!
All the Plutos played with the new Crimson cartridge from van den Hul.

You can read a report on the event written by René van Es on the pages of page

Set-up 1: Gran Gioia with Pluto 10A turntable, 9a tonearm (Cammino wired) and vdH Crimson card, VdH Grail SB (Holy Grail) phono preamp. Pluto 12a turntable, Reed 2A tonearm, vdH Crimson card and vdH Grail phono preamp, vdH Emerald pre- and Excalibur mono power amplifiers, vdH 3T cabling.
Gioias in a static setup with Pathos amplifier and a Pluto 12A carbon turntable.
Living room setup: Pluto 12 A carbon Cobra with Pluto 6 A tonearm, vdH Crimson card, Sonore AC pre and poweramplifiers, vdH Grail phono preamp and Blumenhofer FS2 loudspeakers.


Music days in Düren

Even this year the Neueshören Record store in Düren had an event about Blumenhofer.
Well... they were that busy dealing with customers that they forgot about taking pictures.

It must have been amazing.

2014_04_04 - Recordstore Day Dueren

Audio Spring Time - Rotterdam

In Rotterdam Music2 presented, as usual a huge setup in 2 rooms.
One room with Sonore AC and the Gran Gioia another with an Octave system and a Genuin FS 2.

The press was enthusiastic:
- Sonore AC  is a new and innovative Dutch company. The combination of the Sonore amps with the Blumenhofer Gran Gioia's and the  breathtaking Pluto Audio 10A turntable was really from the highest class! Even with only 3 days of burned inn loudspeakers I cannot believe it can be better than this. Absolutely amazing...
- When I arrived at the top-floor I could not believe what I was hearing.  When closing my eyes I was listening to a live performance: High End at the Highest level!

Here some pictures of the show


News on ReMusic about the Event at Spinelli


ReMusic wrote a short notice about the Blumenhofer-Cammino-Yamaha event at Spinelli in Milano. Here You can read it in Italian

Home Cinema Event at Spinelli Milan

At Spinelli was the first time we made such an home video event and I must tell it: it was impressive! Really amazing what a good home cinema system can do.
During set-up we did have some really hard time: making it perfect to the spot has been more challenging than expected.

Anyway impressive:
- Tempesta 20 mains
- Center 20
- Surround 17
- Sub 15

- Galaktron Power amplifier
- Cambridge Audio receiver
- Cambridge Audio Blue Ray player
- Epson 4k projector

Cabling and power treatment:
- Cammino

Well... I'm thinking about such a setup at my place ;-)

Here some pictures of the event.



Event at Musicanova in Nürnberg

During the weekend MuSiCa NoVa from Nürnberg presented a combination of our loudspeakers with their electronics.
Chef Harald Pensel, played a chain based on our
Genuin FS 2 combined with a Scheu Analog complete turntable.
All the material presented was made in Germany.
For sure people participating had their wishes fulfilled.
Here some pictures of the event.


Upcoming Events dedicated page

Due to the extent that the communication of upcoming events had taken, pulling away the attention from the actual news of Blumenhofer, we found a way to clarify it quite a bit and dedicated a personalized page for this growing area of our site.
This should facilitate and standardize the way these information are shared.

Here, You can reach this Upcoming Events Page


Review of the Mini on Audio 03/2014

Yes, You are reading it right, it is a double feature: our newcomer, the Mini, has been tested on Audio 03/2014 as well.
It has been awarded with a best buy and a very good price performance ratio.


2014_01_27-Mini 2014_02_12-Audio-03-2014

Review of the Tempesta 20 on Audio 03/2014

Our Tempesta 20 has been presented on Audio 03/2014, a german magazine.
It has been awarded with a best buy and an outstanding price performance ratio.


2014_02_12-Tempesta-20 2014_02_12-Audio-03-2014

Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2014

For the 5th time in a row this is a permanent appointment in our show participation and we never regret being on that show. This year it was even better than last year. In my feeling the participation of the public was even more than last year.
What to tell that I haven't already told?
This time I did not have the chance to make even one step outside of our room and spent the whole day talking with people visiting the show and spending lot of time in our room.
...even if really tough it has been very good!!

This was the setup, simpler than last year, but for this not less performing:

- Einstein Power Amplifier - The Amp
- Einstein CD Player - The Source
- Cammino H 3.1 Power Harmonizer
- The Rack was our way... If You are curious, take a look at the gallery ;-)

- Blumenhofer Acoustics Lautsprecher - Genuin FS 2

Thank You and thank the whole Bramsfeld team for the wonderful organization. Here the link to the HiFi Tage pages.
Thanks to Clemens and Martin of Sound & Vision (our dealer in Hamburg) for the outstanding support.
Looking forward for 2015! It is going to be the 10th anniversary of the show and our 6th participation: the organization promised big things for next year!
Here some pictures of the show.

© This Photo made by Cai Brockman from Fidelity

We re-introduce the Mini

After some years of waiting we decided to reintroduce the Mini in our product portfolio.
The Mini is a loudspeaker that was present longer time in the story of Blumenhofer. It was sometimes called Mini, then Satellite Mini and so on. The basis project never changed, a 2 way loudspeaker with a 19mm tweeter and a 10cm woofer in a rear ported bass reflex cabinet.
This time we will have 2 different versions the standard one and the SE, the Special Edition. The Special Edition has been already awarded in France by the Haute Fidélité magazine the Best Buy award. Both of them are studied to have a perfect match even with tube amplifier.


Yamaha and Blumenhofer at Spinelli in Milano

This was the second part of a twin weekend event.
On the first weekend there was EAR and Blumenhofer and this weekend we played at Spinelli with a source and power amplification of Yamaha. They were the top stereo products the A-S3000 and the CD-S3000. The products were top and the sound matched the quality of the products used.
The whole cabling and power treatment, as usual in our events was completely Cammino.
Some of the people present the week before have come again to enjoy the difference and better understand the quality of the material involved in the presentation. They were not disappointed. The character of the 2 kind of amplification was clearly recognizable.

For me it has been a really successful weekend!! Here the Gallery of the pictures


EAR Yoshino and Blumenhofer at Spinelli HiFi in Milano

At Spinelli we made a presentation with our Genuin FS 2 and EAR Yoshino source and power amplification. Of course cabling and power treatment by Cammino.
Lot of people coming appreciated the quality of the reproduction and some of them spent there several hours to enjoy music in a way they only could appreciated in concerts.


Guangzhou HiFi Show 2013

The Blumenhofer presence at the 2013 HiFi show in Guangzhou was really extended. Our products have been shown off in 3 Rooms.
During the show a professional recording engineer came to our room and made some demonstration about his recordings. There was a singer and himself was playing a flute.
After that he did not move any further: this was the room that was demonstrating best how near can be a reproduction match the original sound... barely a difference.
Enjoy the pictures!! in our gallery.


Visit at

A short visit at, after a longer talk with Roberto, we enjoyed a listening section with our Fun 13. I forgot how good they are. In the future the plan is to extend the cooperation with this internet magazine. Looking forward for the upcoming news.
